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Vitalijs Litvinovs edited this page Sep 30, 2019 · 3 revisions

All you need for your custom DTO is extending from CodinPro\DataTransferObject\DTO class and defining fields as protected (phpdoc @property if you want autocomplete in your IDE). That's it!


namespace CodinPro\DataTransferObject;

* @property bool|mixed $foo
* @property string|mixed $bar
* @property array|mixed $extra
class ExampleDTO extends DTO
    protected $foo = true;
    protected $bar = 'string';
    protected $extra = ['a' => 'b'];

After this "painful" setup, you can use fresh-made DTO like follows:

Without providing data (uses default values from your DTO)

$dto = new ExampleDTO();
$dto->foo; // true
$dto->bar; // "string"
$dto->extra; // ["a" => "b"]

Initialize with array/object/json

// its allowed to init from array, object or json
$dto = new ExampleDTO('{"extra":"some extra value"}');
$dto->foo; // true
$dto->bar; // "string"
$dto->extra; // "some extra value"

Set value

$dto = new ExampleDTO();
$dto->foo = 'baz'; // "baz"
$dto['bar'] = 'test'; // "test"

Unset value

$dto = new ExampleDTO(['foo' => "baz"]);
$dto->foo; // "baz"
unset($dto->foo); // removes current value of "foo", getting back to default value "true"
$dto->foo; // true
$dto->bar; // "string"
$dto->extra; // ["a" => "b"]

Nested getter

$dto = new ExampleDTO(['extra' => ['a' => ['b' => ['c' => 'd']]]]);
$dto->foo; // "baz"
unset($dto->foo); // removes current value of "foo", getting back to default value "true"
$dto->foo; // true
$dto->bar; // "string"
$dto->extra; // ['a' => ['b' => ['c' => 'd']]]
$dto['extra']; // ['a' => ['b' => ['c' => 'd']]]
$dto->get('extra'); // ['a' => ['b' => ['c' => 'd']]]
$dto->get('extra.a'); // ['b' => ['c' => 'd']]
$dto->get('extra.a.b'); // ['c' => 'd']
$dto->get('extra.a.b.c'); // "d"


$dto = new ExampleDTO();
// when trying to convert to string, it calls inner $this->serialize();
(string)$dto; // {"foo":true,"bar":"string","extra":{"a":"b"}}

By default, it's using built-in JsonSerializer, but you can implement from DTOSerializerInterface and make your own.

// or as second param in DTO constructor
$dto = new ExampleDTO([], $serializer);