This was intended to be a "Would you rather" web app, but I turned it into a "quiz" app.
- Every player needs to register.
- You can play without being registered, but your score will not be tracked.
- Status 201 for correct answer, 202 for wrong.
Database schemas in ./script/set-database/set.go
See routes.http for more details and tests. See main.go for the implementation.
- Start postgres and update the connection string:
sudo docker compose up -d
docker ps -a
> go inspect <id>
- Update IpAddres in database/connect.go.
- Run the application:
go mod tidy
go run scripts/set-database/set.go
go run .
manage db:
- psql "postgresql://fluffycat@"
- password is s3cret in my case.
- remember to change the ip ;)