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Entity & Quantity Correction for Abstractive Summarization

This repository contains the code and resources to "Improving Faithfulness in Abstractive Summarization with Contrast Candidate Generation and Selection" in NAACL'21.

    author = {Sihao Chen and Fan Zhang and Kazoo Sone and Dan Roth},
    title = {{Improving Faithfulness in Abstractive Summarization with Contrast Candidate Generation and Selection}},
    booktitle = {NAACL},
    year = {2021}

Use the Correction Model for Summary Ranking

The trained BART-base model for classifying whether a summary is hallucinated/faithful is published to huggingface model hub as CogComp/bart-faithful-summary-detector. With the transformers library installed, you can use it as follows.

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("CogComp/bart-faithful-summary-detector")
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("CogComp/bart-faithful-summary-detector")

article = "Ban-Ki Moon was re-elected for a second term by the UN General Assembly, unopposed and unanimously, on 21 June 2011"

bad_summary = "Ban Ki-moon was elected for a second term in 2007"
good_summary = "Ban Ki-moon was elected for a second term in 2011"

bad_pair = tokenizer(text=bad_summary, text_pair=article, return_tensors='pt')
good_pair = tokenizer(text=good_summary, text_pair=article, return_tensors='pt')

bad_score = model(**bad_pair)
good_score = model(**good_pair)

print(good_score[0][:, 1] > bad_score[0][:, 1]) # True, label mapping: "0" -> "Hallucinated" "1" -> "Faithful"

Example Corrections and Evaluation

We include the 1,510 examples in XSum test set that our method made corrections to under data/.

  • source.part.txt: source text/article
  • target.part.txt: ground truth summary
  • bart.part.txt: summaries generated by the BART (large) baseline
  • corrected.part.txt: summaries corrected by our system

To reproduce the evaluation results:

  • ROUGE: We use version 0.0.4 of rouge-score library.
  • BertScore: We use version 0.3.6 of bert-score, with the roberta-large_L17_no-idf_version=0.3.6 model. See their github readme for instructions.
  • FEQA: See the example usage below for Check the FEQA repo for the complete list of required libraries. Note: You may want to use a fresh environment for FEQA, as it requires a different version of transformers.
python \  
    --source_file data/source.part.txt \
    --summary_file data/corrected.part.txt \ 
    --result_file data/feqa_corrected_results.json

Create Unfaithful Variants via Entity Perturbation

Please install the following packages:

word2number # We use this to normalize surface forms of quantities and numbers  

We use stanza to extract the named entities in text. For exact reproducibility, please install stanza=1.1.1.

pip install stanza

Download the english models with the following python snippet:

import stanza'en') # download English model

Put the source text and summary text in two line-separated files respectively (See data/source.part.txt and data/target.part.txt for example). First annotate the two files with NER by running

python source.txt source.stanza
python target.txt target.stanza

This will create source.stanza and target.stanza as two jsonline files; each json would be the annotated version of source and target text.

Next, generate alternative versions of the summary by running:

python \
    --source_stanza_output source.stanza \
    --source_file source.txt \
    --target_stanza_output target.stanza \ 
    --target_file target.txt \
    --output_path  train.jsonl

This will generate alternative summaries in training mode, i.e. only generate alternative versions if all entities in the original summary have appeared in the source document. This is to make sure that we can safely use the original summary as the "positive" examples during training.

In evaluation mode, it's the other way around -- we only want to generate variants when the original summary is hallucinated. To run the script in evaluation mode, add the --eval flag.

python \
    --source_stanza_output source.stanza \
    --source_file source.txt \
    --target_stanza_output target.stanza \ 
    --target_file target.txt \
    --output_path  test.jsonl \

You can also control the maximum number of variants generated for each instance. e.g. --limit=10.


The training data and validation data we generated (by following the steps outlined in the previous section) can be downloaded from this google drive folder.

Please install the following packages:


With the transformers installed (we used transformers==3.4.0), first run on each of the train/val split to cache tokenized input. For example,

python \
    --model_name facebook/bart-base \
    --data_file train.jsonl \
    --output_path train.tokenized 

Run the training script. By default cuda is enabled.

python \
    --model_name facebook/bart-base \ 
    --train_data_file train.tokenized \
    --save_dir model/


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