Log in, create some custom golf loadouts, and check in with other users to see what gear they're using!
Golf Bag Builder is a simple to use, modern, and user friendly tool for golfers. This application allows a user to create different golf bag loadouts for different situations.
- Python - version 3.9
- Flask - version 2.0.2
- Bcrypt - version 3.2.0
- PyMySql - version 1.0.2
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
To try out this project:
- Clone this repository to your computer
- In the command line, navigate to the root directory and type: $ pip install pipenv
- Then, create a virtual environment: $ pipenv shell
- Install dependencies from the requirements.txt file: $ pip install -r requirements.txt
- To start the server, type python app.py
- In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:5000
class Bag:
db = "bag_builder"
def __init__(self, data):
self.id = data['id']
self.name = data['name']
self.driver = data['driver']
self.woods = data['woods']
self.hybrids = data['hybrids']
self.irons = data['irons']
self.wedges = data['wedges']
self.putter = data['putter']
self.content = data['content']
self.user_id = data['user_id']
self.created_at = data['created_at']
self.updated_at = data['updated_at']
self.likers = []
# self.likers will be list of id's that have liked a given bag
def get_all(cls):
query = "SELECT * FROM bags JOIN users ON bags.user_id = users.id ORDER BY bags.updated_at DESC"
bags_from_db = connectToMySQL(cls.db).query_db(query)
bags = []
for row in bags_from_db:
return bags
def get_all_by_creator(cls, data):
query = "SELECT * FROM bags JOIN users ON bags.user_id = users.id WHERE bags.user_id = %(id)s;"
bags_from_db = connectToMySQL(cls.db).query_db(query, data)
bags_by_creator = []
for bag in bags_from_db:
return bags_by_creator
def register():
if not User.validate_register(request.form):
return redirect('/')
data ={
"first_name": request.form['first_name'],
"last_name": request.form['last_name'],
"email": request.form['email'],
"password": bcrypt.generate_password_hash(request.form['password'])
id = User.create(data)
session['user_id'] = id
return redirect('/dashboard')
def login():
user = User.get_by_email(request.form)
if not user:
flash("Invalid Email/Password","login")
return redirect('/')
if not bcrypt.check_password_hash(user.password, request.form['password']):
flash("Invalid Email/Password","login")
return redirect('/')
session['user_id'] = user.id
return redirect('/dashboard')
- Full stack web application utilizing Python, Flask, and MySQL
- Authorization and authenication implemented with flask-bcrypt.
- Front-End styles and tables built with Boostrap and manual CSS
- Users can create account through application.
- Users can add profile information, and create, edit, or delete their bags
- View the bags and contents of other users, and give likes to user activity
Project is finished.
The inspiration for Golf Bag Builder came when I was enjoying my favorite pastime on a windy day. It occurred to me that depending on weather, length of course, and convenience, I may not need every club in my bag. To keep track of the essentials, I created Golf Bag Builder to be prepared for any round.
Created by Cole Robinson (https://www.linkedin.com/in/cwrobinson-/) Let me know what you think! All feedback welcome.