This command requires python torch. (checked that it works on torch version 1.11.0, 1.12.1, 1.13.0)
Data will be automatically pre-processed and stored in Data/Preprocessed/.
cd Code
- There are many parameters below. (The default setting is what we got the best result.)
- Random seed (e.g. --seed 1)
- Epoch (e.g. --epochs 50)
- Batch size (e.g. --batch_size 100)
- Learning Rate (e.g. --lr 0.001)
- Guide (e.g. --guide None or --guide Distance)
- Loss (e.g. --loss_setting 0 or --loss_setting 1)
- loss_setting 0 is triplet loss and 2 is ours.
- Neural Network (e.g. --neural_net ResNet-152)
- One of (VGG-11, VGG-13, VGG-16, VGG-19, ResNet-18, ResNet-34, ResNet-50, ResNet-101, ResNet-152)
- Device (e.g. --device cpu or --device cuda:1)
- You can check more parameters on Code/ line15:32.
- You can apply parameters by adding arguments. For example,
python --lr 0.001 --neural_net ResNet-50 --seed 1
- Right after the training is started, new directory will be created on 'Results' folder. the name of the new(most recent) directory is 'Result{largest number}'. Inside the directory, followings will be created during training.
- hparam.json: Hyperparameters.
- TrainDistanceDensity: Stores distance density of the training set on each epoch.
- Since training period includes batch normalization or dropout, the distance density is different from density on evaluation period.
- Log.jpg: Contains Loss, Average distance and Accuracy on each epoch.
- model.pth: Weights of the neural network when it has the best few shot accuracy.
- model0.pth: Weights of the neural network when it has the best zero shot accuracy.
- Training_Log.txt: Contains Time taken, Loss, Statistics of Distance distribution and Accuracy on each epoch.
- history.pkl: Contains the values used to write Training_Log.txt as a pickle file in order to load easily.
- The followings are the settings used to make our results.
# Distance guide, Our loss (see Results/Result0/review0.jpg)
# Distance guide, Triplet loss (see Results/Result1/review0.jpg)
python --loss_setting 0 --tau 4.0 --reg 2.0 --Q 4.0
# No guide, Our loss (see Results/Result2/review.jpg)
python --epochs 240 --guide None --tau 1.5 --reg 0.5 --Q 5.0
python --result 1 --max_thres 10
Evaluation is automatically done with max_thres 10 after training. however if the range of x axis of Distance Density on review.jpg is insufficient or too much, increase or decrease 'max_thres' and then re-evaluate. The argument 'result' means evaluation of "Results/Result{result}". (Check the Directory)
- Basic Metrics such as Accuracy or Average Distance are calculated during training. However, we sometimes need to add or fix some metrics even after training is done. so metrics taking a lot computation such as MR, MRR, Hit@K, Distribution of Distances are separated.
- The following files will be created after evaluation is done.
- review.jpg: Contains MR, MRR, Accuracy, Hit@K, Distance Density using model.pth which has shown the best accuracy on few shot setting.
- review.pkl: Contains the values used to plot graphs on review.jpg in pickle file in order to load easily.
- review0.jpg: Contains MR, MRR, Accuracy, Hit@K, Distance Density using model.pth which has shown the best accuracy on zero shot setting.
- review0.pkl: Contains the values used to plot graphs on review0.jpg in pickle file in order to load easily.
You can check coding history on
I could not upload the data and trained models because of large memory.