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A simple package to bridge the gap between TRPC and TanStack Query for Vue much like how TRPC has their own in-house React Query Integration

Why this package?

If you're using @tanstack/vue-query then you might know that working with query keys and query functions can sometimes become cumbersome. A lead maintainer of Tanstack Query, TkDodo, has said that "Separating QueryKey from QueryFunction was a mistake".

So this package tightly couples your keys and functions leading to brilliant DX 🚀


const currentUserQuery = queryOptions({
  queryKey: ["user", "current"],
  queryFn: () => trpc.user.current.query(),

const { data } = useQuery(currentUserQuery);

const { mutateAsync } = useMutation({
  mutationFn: (input: UnwrapRef<typeof form>) => trpc.user.signUp.mutate(input),
  onSuccess: async () => {
    await useQueryClient().invalidateQueries({
      queryKey: currentUserQuery.queryKey,
    await navigateTo("/onboarding");


const { data } = useClient().user.current.useQuery();

const { mutateAsync } = useClient().user.signUp.useMutation({
  onSuccess: async () => {
    await useClient().user.current.invalidate();
    await navigateTo("/onboarding");


pnpm i @colonel-sandvich/trpc-vue-query

Setup (Vue)

1. Plug in the plugin

// main.ts
import { TrpcVueQueryPlugin } from "@colonel-sandvich/trpc-vue-query";
import { VueQueryPlugin } from "@tanstack/vue-query";
import { httpBatchLink } from "@trpc/client";
import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./src/App.vue";
import { trpc } from "your-path-to-trpc-client";
// ^ See

export const app = createApp(App);

  .use(VueQueryPlugin) // Make sure {@tanstack/vue-query}'s plugin goes first
  .use(TrpcVueQueryPlugin, {
    trpcClient: trpc,

2. Make a composable

// src/composables/useClient.ts
import { TrpcVueClient, clientKey } from "@colonel-sandvich/trpc-vue-query";
import { inject } from "vue";
import type { AppRouter } from "your-path-to-trpc-app-router-type";

export function useClient() {
  return inject(clientKey) as TrpcVueClient<AppRouter>;

Setup (Nuxt)

0. Setup @tanstack/vue-query for Nuxt if you haven't already

// src/plugins/01.vueQueryPlugin.ts

// Important that this plugin comes before the `02.clientPlugin` since that has this plugin as a dependency
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxt) => {

  // Below is for SSR. Remove if you don't need this
  // Provided from TanStack Query docs:
  const vueQueryState = useState<DehydratedState | null>("vue-query");

  if (process.server) {
    nuxt.hooks.hook("app:rendered", () => {
      vueQueryState.value = dehydrate(queryClient);

  if (process.client) {
    nuxt.hooks.hook("app:created", () => {
      hydrate(queryClient, vueQueryState.value);

1. Make a plugin

// src/plugins/02.clientPlugin.ts

export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {
  const trpc = createTRPCProxyClient<AppRouter>({
    links: [
        url: "/api/trpc",
        headers: useRequestHeaders(),
        fetch: customFetchWrapper(), // Crucial for SSR

  const client = createTrpcVueClient(trpc, useQueryClient());

  return {
    provide: {

2. Make a composable

// src/composables/useClient.ts

export const useClient = () => {
  return useNuxtApp().$client;

You're Done!

Go check out /examples to see some basic uses.

Quickstart for testing examples/vue-minimal

pnpm i Anywhere

cd examples/vue-minimal

pnpm dev

If ports 3000 (client) and 3001 (server) are available then you should up and running

Goals of the project

  • Easier integration with Vue and Nuxt
  • Feature parity with TRPC's React Query (or at least as much as is possible with Vue Query)
    • Subscriptions
  • Documentation


Please please please absolutely make an issue or PR for any bugs or feature requests, I highly encourage it.


Big thanks to Robert Soriano for his trpc-nuxt package that inspired this package.

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