Thanks for coming to our hands-on introduction to Web Components & Polymer! If you stumbled onto this and weren't at the event, hopefully this is still of somewhat use :-)
This is all the materials that are required to get started:
Install Git
Install Node and npm (Use nvm if you'd like multiple versions)
Run the following:
git clone
git clone
cd wc-components/ && npm install
cd ../reacthnpwa && npm install
Optionally install lit-html extension for vscode to make it easier to edit markup in template literals.
In a separate terminal window run cd reacthnpwa && npm start
- to start up the react hacker news application. We'll be working on
getting our web components to run in that application. For large companies with multiple sites, having a shared global header
and footer creates unity between multiple sites. We do this @ Comcast with
Please reach out to us on Twitter, we're happy to help :-)