This gem will give you the same searchable DSL as you have using sunspot rails and ActiveRecord.
gem install sunspot_massive_record
..or, if you are on Rails or anywhere else where you have a Gemfile:
gem 'sunspot_massive_record'
A good place to start is at, as this gem is simply an adapter which gives MassiveRecord the same ability as the sunspot-rails gives ActiveRecord.
If you really want a quick example, here is one:
class PersonSearchable < MassiveRecord::ORM::Table
column_family :info do
field :name
field :free_text
field :age, :integer
field :not_stored
searchable do
string :name, :stored => true
text :free_text, :stored => true
integer :age
def default_id
This will make PersonSearchable class searchable bu name, free_text and age.
To do a search:
# Define a search
search = { keywords("some search term") }
# Retreive results
search.hits # Returns an array of hits
search.results # Returns an array of results (massive record records) read from the database
There is one thing we have added to the search object; the ability to populate MassiveRecord object based on stored values in the search index. Notice how we have defined name and free_text as stored - this will make it possible to do:
# Populate result records only from values stored in the index, not hitting the database at all:
# You can also do
search.hits.first.result_from_stored_attributes # Returns the record for the first hit, populated by stored values