Inspired by github-readme-stats, I wanted to make a similar tool for codingame profiles.
- Copy-paste this code snippet into your markdown content

- Replace the
with your id. your codingamer ID can be found in the url of your own profile<your_codingamer_id>
- That is it 👍.
You can also use an <img>
tag with a width of:
for a single column formatwidth=610px
for a two-column formatwidth=830px
for a three-column format
<img alt="Coverage" src="" width="410px" height="220px"/>
<img alt="Coverage" src="" width="640px" height="220px"/>
You can decide to which content you want for every 'column'. Available options are:
: Current level on every certificationslanguages
: Topn
languages to display with number of puzzle solvedleaderboard
: Current ranking on every categories and globalpuzzles
: Some figures based on puzzles completions
You can set the column using the arguments:
: default is leaderboardsecond
: default is "hidden"third
: default is "hidden"
If you use leaderboard
, you can add percentage ranking using the argument percent
with 1
, true
or yes
If you use languages
, you can limit the number of visible languages with top=n
with 1 <= n <= 6 (default = 6))
A dark mode is available using the argument night
with 1
, true
or yes

In order to reduce the number of request to Codingame's APIs.
- The result of the request is cached and will not change for 24 hours (Codingame's profiles are anyway updated only once a day).
- A restriction of call is applied per IP address:
- 1 request every 5 seconds (this one may change as it could create issues if you put multiple badge on your profile)
- 60 requests every hour
- 200 requests every day
- The returned image should be cached by the browser
- fix issue with CG's icon is single column format
Other ideas are welcome 😉
git clone
cd codingame-readme-stats
cd api
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd api
mkvirtualenv venv --python=/usr/bin/python3.10
workon venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can run locally the application by running the following command and then go to
. For the development, it is recommended to use the your_codingamer_id "magic"
. It uses a local fake data instead of calling Codingame's API at every refresh.
cd api
venv/Scripts/activate.ps1 # or source venv/bin/activate or workon venv
You can run tests / coverage simply by running the following commands:
cd api
venv/Scripts/activate.ps1 # or source venv/bin/activate or workon venv
coverage run -m unittest discover
If you want to go further, here is some usefull commands to use
coverage xml # create the cobertura coverage.xml file -- do not commit it
coverage json # same file but in json -- do not commit it
coverage html # generate a htmlcov folder with coverage result as HTML file -- do not commit it
coverage report # get report in the console
python -m unittest discover # run only unittest and don't evaluate coverage
python -m unittest test_module1 test_module2 # run only some modules
python -m unittest test_module.TestClass # run only one class in a module
python -m unittest test_module.TestClass.test_method # run only 1 test in a class
In case you install a new dependency, don't forget to update the requirements.txt 😉
cd api
venv/Scripts/activate.ps1 # or source venv/bin/activate or workon venv
pip freeze > requirements.txt