The datasource for CakePHP.This plugin enables one-connection to act as two(or more) roles, like master(read-write) and replica(read-only).
- PHP 7.2+
- CakePHP 4.0+
💡 For CakePHP3.x, use 1.x
- Install plugin
composer require connehito/cakephp-master-replica
- Set your connections(e.g. in
datasource. It requiresroles
Set up your database configuration.
- Databse-A(for master): mysql;host=db-host,databasename=app_db,login=root,pass=password
- Databse-B(for replica): mysql;host=db-host,databasename=app_db,login=read-only-user,pass=another-password
- Databse-C(for replica): mysql;host=replica-host,databasename=app_db,login=read-only-user,pass=another-password
// app.php
// return [
'Datasources' => [
'driver' => Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql::class,
'className' => Connehito\CakephpMasterReplica\Database\Connection\MasterReplicaConnection::class,
'host' => 'replica-host',
'database' => 'app_db',
'roles' => [
'master' => ['host' => 'db-host', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => 'password'],
'secondary' => ['host' => 'db-host', 'username' => 'read-only-user', 'password' => 'another-password'],
'tertiary' => ['username' => 'read-only-user', 'password' => 'another-password'],
In each roles, you can set specific values and override them.
In app, now you can connect to database master or replica db as you like 🎉
// as default, connect with `master` role.
$usersTable->save($usersTable->newEntity(['name' => 'hoge']));
// switch to `replica` role
// Or you can get Connection via Table
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
- Please fix all problems with PHPUnit, PHPStan, PHP_CodeSniffer before send pull request 😄
- You can build development env in local with
The plugin is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.