quick report for Github Copilot for business usage in organizations.
It is a quick usage report of copilot for busienss within Github Organizations. Since there is API to get the latest activity, like 'https://api.github.com/orgs/{org}/copilot/billing/seats?per_page=200'
By calling the API periodlly- it is 6 hours by default in hard code in refresh_orgs_job.py now. We save the return as .csv, then extract it by dropping dupliate/split the IDE column to more column. finally, generate report. it supports daily active users analysis/Non Active users/Used by IDE/Used by Copilot Features/Develper who used copilot most often. And More report will be generated based on feedback, thanks.
- support multi-organizaiton management, inlucing add/remove organization for this tool.
- This is a Flask web application that displays seat usage data for different organizations. The app reads organization names from a CSV file and displays them on the homepage. Users can select an organization and view seat usage reports and charts. The app also has a configuration page where new organizations can be added. The app runs a background thread that periodically fetches the latest seat usage data from an API.
- Run Locally
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- open app.py, run it
- then visit http://localhost:5000, select config to add your organizations.
- Run in Docker
- docker build -t copilot-usage-report .
- docker run -d -p 5000:5000 copilot-usage-report
- then visit http://localhost:5000, select config to add your organizations.
- Run in Azure (both Rerpot and sync-refresh job)
docker build -t copilot-usage-report .
docker build -t copilot-usage-job -f Dockerfile-job .
docker tag copilot-usage-report .azurecr.io/copilot-usage-report:v1
docker tag copilot-usage-job .azurecr.io/copilot-usage-job:v1
docker push .azurecr.io/copilot-usage-report:v1
docker push .azurecr.io/copilot-usage-job:v1
deploy copilot-usage-report and copilot-usage-job to Azure App Service/Container Apps.
config the App Service/Container Apps to use Azure File Share for /data and /static folder, so that the data can be shared between App Service and Container Apps. Form More,please visit:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/configure-connect-to-azure-storage?pivots=container-linux#mount-file-share; and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-apps/storage-mounts?pivots=azure-portal
add a orgs.csv file to Azure File Share, and add the orgs you want to monitor.
- Provide instructions for using your project.
- Provide examples of how to use your project.
- To check more report locally, please access http://localhost:5000/active_report
- To check more report, please access https://copilot-usage-report.azurewebsites.net/
- If your project includes an API, provide documentation for the API here.
- https://api.github.com/orgs/{org}/copilot/billing/seats?per_page=200
- Provide guidelines for contributing to your project.
- Provide information about the license for your project.
- Thank any contributors or open source projects that your project depends on.