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Swift WAMP



Carthage compatible

SwiftPM compatible

Swift wamp is a Web Application Messaging Protocol implementation in Swift.

It is compatable and tested using CrossbarIO router.

This package is based on iscriptology/swamp which is no longer being maintained or compatable with Swift 5 and Starscream 3.0.

It currently supports registering and calling remote procedures, subscribing on topics, and publishing topic events. It also supports authentication using ticket & wampcra authentication.

Swift wamp utilizes WebSockets as its only available transport, and JSON as its serialization method.

Swift Package Manager

Too add SwiftWamp include the following package to your Package.json or add through xCode Add Package Dependencies.

// Package.json
.Package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")


Too add SwiftWAMP using carthage add the following to your Cartfile.

# Cartfile
git "Copterdoctor/SwiftWAMP.git"


Connect to router without authentication

import SwiftWAMP

<!-- Conform to WampSessionDelegate protocol -->

class ViewController: WampSessionDelegate {

    var session: WampSession!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let transport = WampSocket(wsEndpoint:  URL(string: <#"ws://"#>)!)
        self.session = WampSession.init(realm: <#"router-defined-realm"#>, transport: transport)
        // Set WampSessionDelegate
        session.delegate = self

    func wampSessionConnected(_ session: WampSession, sessionId: Int) { }

    func wampSessionEnded(_ reason: String) { }


WampSession constructor parameters

  • realm - Which realm to join. e.g. realm1
  • transport - A WampSocket implementation

WampSessionDelegate interface

Implement the following method:

  • func wampSessionConnected(session: WampSession, sessionId: Int)
  • Fired once the session has established and authenticated a session, and has joined the realm successfully.

Optional methods:

  • func wampSessionHandleChallenge(authMethod: String, extra: [String: Any]) -> String

  • Fired when a challenge request arrives.

  • You can use WampCraAuthHelper.sign("your-secret", extra["challenge"] as! String) to support wampcra auth method.

  • func wampSessionEnded(reason: String)

  • Fired once the connection has ended.

  • reason is usually a WAMP-domain error. e.g. "wamp.close.goodbye_and_out"

Connect to router with wampcra authentication

Refer to router documentation for roles and shared secret.

import SwiftWAMP

<!-- Conform to WampSessionDelegate protocol -->

class ViewController: WampSessionDelegate {

    var session: WampSession!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let transport = WampSocket(wsEndpoint:  URL(string: <#"ws://"#>)!)
        WampSession.init(realm: <#"router-defined-realm"#>, transport: transport, authmethods: ["wampcra"], authid: <#username#>, authrole: <#role#>, authextra: nil)
        // Set WampSessionDelegate
        session.delegate = self

<!-- Implement wampSessionHandleChallenge if using wampcra and set secret as per router docs-->

    func wampSessionHandleChallenge(authMethod: String, challenge: [String: Any]) -> String {
        return WampCraAuthHelper.sign(<#"my_secret"#>, challenge: challenge["challenge"] as! String)

    func wampSessionConnected(_ session: WampSession, sessionId: Int) { }

    func wampSessionEnded(_ reason: String) { }

  • authmethods Is used by the client to announce the authentication methods it is prepared to perform. For WAMP-CRA, this MUST include "wampcra". Leave nil for anonymous.
  • authid Is the authentication ID (e.g. username) the client wishes to authenticate as. For WAMP-CRA, this MUST be provided. Leave nil for anonymous.
  • authrole The desired role inside the realm. Refer to routers documentation. Leave nil if auth not required by router like Crossbario/Crossbar docker image.
  • authextra - Application-specific information. Refer to routers documentation. Leave nil if auth not required by router like Crossbario/Crossbar docker image.


  • connect() - Establish transport and perform authentication if configured.
  • disconnect() - Manual Disconnect of websocket.


General note: Lots of callback functions receive args-kwargs pairs, check your other client implementaion to see which of them is utilized, and act accordingly.

RPC Calling

public func call(proc: String, options: [String: Any]=[:], args: [Any]?=nil, kwargs: [String: Any]?=nil, onSuccess: CallCallback, onError: ErrorCallCallback)
  • proc: The URI of the procedure to be called. e.g. "com.someapp.someremoteprocedure"
  • options: Dictionary that allows to provide additional call request details in an extensible way. The dictionary may be empty or nil.
  • args: List of positional call arguments (each of arbitrary type). The list may be of zero length or nil.
  • kwargs: Dictionary of keyword call arguments (each of arbitrary type). The dictionary may be empty or nil.
  • onSuccess: Called when successful response from procedure containing response.
  • onError: Called if an error occurs.
// Using Callbacks
func wampSessionConnected(_ session: WampSession, sessionId: Int) {<#"com.someapp.someremoteprocedure"#>) { (details, args, kwargs) in
    } onError: { (details, error, args, kwargs) in
        // Handle errors

// Using delegate methods
func wampSessionConnected(_ session: WampSession, sessionId: Int) {<#"com.someapp.someremoteprocedure"#>)

func wampCallSuccessful(details: [String: Any], results: [Any]?, kwResults: [String: Any]?) {

func wampCallError(details: [String: Any], error: String, args: [Any]?, kwargs: [String: Any]?) {
    // Handle errors

Example using options, args and kwargs. Refer to router docs for usage.<#"com.someapp.someremoteprocedure"#>, options: ["some_option": true], args: [1, "argument1"], kwargs: ["arg1": 1, "arg2": "argument2"])

RPC Register procedure

public func register(_ proc: String, options: [String: Any]=[:], onSuccess: RegisterCallback, onError: ErrorRegisterCallback, onFire: WampProcedure)
  • proc: The URI of the procedure being served. e.g. "com.myapp.myprocedure"
  • options: Dictionary that allows to provide additional call request details in an extensible way. The dictionary may be empty or nil.
  • onSuccess: Called when registration is successful with wamp router.
  • onError: Called if an error occurs.
  • onFire: Called when responding to a call for named procedure.
// Using Callbacks
func wampSessionConnected(_ session: WampSession, sessionId: Int) {
    session.register(<#"com.someapp.someprocedure"#>) { (registration) in
    } onError: { (details, error) in
        // Handle error
    } onFire: { (details, args, kwargs) -> (options: [String : Any], args: [Any], kwargs: [String : Any]) in
        // Data being returned when procedure is called successfully
        return (<#[String : Any]#>, <#[Any]#>, <#[String : Any]#>)

// Using delegate methods
func wampSessionConnected(_ session: WampSession, sessionId: Int) {

func wampProcedureCalled(details: [String : Any], args: [Any]?, kwargs: [String : Any]?) -> (options: [String : Any], args: [Any], kwargs: [String : Any])? {
    return (<#[String : Any]#>, <#[Any]#>, <#[String : Any]#>)

func wampRegistrationSuccessful(_ registration: Registration) {

func wampRegistrationError(details: [String : Any], error: String) {
    // Handle error

Subscribing on topics

public func subscribe(topic: String, options: [String: AnyObject]=[:], onSuccess: SubscribeCallback, onError: ErrorSubscribeCallback, onEvent: EventCallback)
  • topic: The URI of the topic to subscribe to. e.g. "com.someapp.publishedprocedure"
  • options: Dictionary that allows to provide additional call request details in an extensible way. The dictionary may be empty or nil.
  • onSuccess: Called when subscription is successful with wamp router.
  • onError: Called if an error occurs.
  • onEvent: Called when procedure event is received.
// Using Callbacks
func wampSessionConnected(_ session: WampSession, sessionId: Int) {
    session.subscribe(<#"com.someapp.sometopic"#>) { (sub) in
        // Success
    } onError: { (details, error) in
        // Handle error
    } onEvent: { (details, results, kwargs) in

// Using delegate methods
func wampSessionConnected(_ session: WampSession, sessionId: Int) {

func wampSubSuccessful(_ subscription: Subscription) {
    // Success

func wampSubError(details: [String : Any], error: String) {
    // Handle error

func wampSubEventReceived(details: [String : Any], results: [Any]?, kwargs: [String : Any]?) {

Publishing topic events

// without acknowledging
public func publish(topic: String, options: [String: AnyObject]=[:], args: [AnyObject]?=nil, kwargs: [String: AnyObject]?=nil)
// with acknowledging
public func publish(topic: String, options: [String: AnyObject]=[:], args: [AnyObject]?=nil, kwargs: [String: AnyObject]?=nil, onSuccess: PublishCallback, onError: ErrorPublishCallback) {
  • topic: The URI of the topic being published e.g. "com.myapp.mytopic
  • options: Dictionary that allows to provide additional call request details in an extensible way. The dictionary may be empty or nil.
  • args: List of positional call arguments (each of arbitrary type). The list may be of zero length or nil.
  • kwargs: Dictionary of keyword call arguments (each of arbitrary type). The dictionary may be empty or nil.
  • onSuccess: Called when router confirms successful publish.
  • onError: Called if an error occurs.
// Using Callbacks
func wampSessionConnected(_ session: WampSession, sessionId: Int) {
    session.publish(<#"com.myapp.sometopic"#>, options: [:], args: ["Hello World"], kwargs: nil, onSuccess: {
        // Success
    }, onError: { (details, error) in
        // Handle error
// Using delegate methods
func wampSessionConnected(_ session: WampSession, sessionId: Int) {
    session.publish(<#"com.myapp.sometopic"#>, options: [:], args: ["Hello World"], kwargs: nil)

func wampPubSuccessful() {
    // Success

func wampPubError(details: [String : Any], error: String) {
    // handle error

Handle network connections

// Handle connection viability
connection.viabilityUpdateHandler = { (isViable) in
    if (!isViable) {
        // Handle connection temporarily losing connectivity
    } else {
        // Handle connection return to connectivity

// Handle better paths
connection.betterPathUpdateHandler = { (betterPathAvailable) in
    if (betterPathAvailable) {
        // Start a new connection if migration is possible
    } else {
        // Stop any attempts to migrate


For now, only integration tests against crossbar exist.

In order to run the tests:

  1. Install Docker for Mac
  2. Pull docker image for crossbar docker pull crossbario/crossbar
  3. Run tests from xcode. Docker container should load using script at pre_start phase of tests and then shutdown after testing.
  4. Tests should use config.json from SwiftWAMP/.crossbar. Modify this if you want to run tests using your own realm settings.


If for some reason the tests fail, make sure:

  • You have docker installed and available in PATH
  • You have an available port 8080 on your machine

You can also inspect **************/wamp-crossbar-instance.log to find out what happened with the crossbar instance while the tests were executing.