Automagically generate amazon product advertising api credentials!
To install globally, run
npm install -g amazon-api-bot
If you face any EACCES error when you try to install this package globally, follow this guide to fix npm permissions.
You can also try without installing globally.
git clone
cd amazon-api-bot
npm install
npm run build
DEBUG=true node lib/index.js
Before using amazon-api-bot, you'll need
- API Key for Google Vision API - to solve captchas
- A Twilio account with api credentials (SID and token) and a Twilio phone number - to pass phone verification
Then set these environment variables,
export VISION_API_KEY=your_vision_api_key
export TWILIO_SID=your_twilio_sid
export TWILIO_TOKEN=your_twilio_token
export TWILIO_NUMBER=your_twilio_number
Now time for magic!
DEBUG=true run-amazon-api-bot
to run with headless chrome
DEBUG=true HEADLESS=true run-amazon-api-bot