Sea of thieves External C# Library, based on RemnantESP
And if you want some help feel free to join the discord
SotCore core = new SotCore();
//if u are in steam version replace by true
if (core.Prepare(false))
UE4Actor[] actors = core.GetActors();
foreach (UE4Actor actor in actors)
//Do your things here
//Failed, Sea of thieves not detected
SotCore core = new SotCore();
//if u are in steam version replace by true
if (core.Prepare(false))
Player localPlayer = core.LocalPlayer;
//Do your things here
//Failed, Sea of thieves not detected
All players name are "BP_PlayerPirate_C"
Player player = new Player(actor);
SotCore core = new SotCore();
//if u are in steam version replace by true
if (core.Prepare(false))
CameraManager cameraManager = core.CameraManager;
//Do your things here
//Failed, Sea of thieves not detected
foreach(Crew crew in core.Crews)
foreach(Player player in crew.PreProcessedPlayers)
//Do your things here
foreach (Island island in core.Islands)
//Do your things here
DougTheDruid for SoT-Actor-Names