A simple scoring app for the board game 7 Wonders Duel
- Simplify the scoring process of 7 Wonders Duel
- Design considerations made to minimize user cognitive load for totaling each score category
- Responsive design
- Support for the Pantheon expansion
With a desire to keep my Web Development skills up-to-date, in addition to improving upon the design of the only other free, searchable 7 Wonders Duel scoring website I could find:
I created this React app with the design goal of reducing the overall cognitive load on users looking to total their score in a game of 7 Wonders Duel.
The main improvements I was looking to make were:
- Minimize the number of interactions/inputs needed from the user
- Minimize any mental math the user might have to do
- Add relevant visualizations & graphics from the board game to help the user more easily understand the category they're scoring