- fix possible error in SimplePowerBIReportEmbed (e155693)
- upgrade to react 18. This version of the package won't work with the sample webapp based on React 17 (83e98bb)
- upgrade Material UI to version 6 that breaks display of some components. This version of the package won't work with the sample webapp using Material UI v5 (557f88b)
- update @cosmotech/azure dependency to v2.0.1
- fix pipe not displayed in scenario manager card if run template name is too long (fb76924)
- delete unnecessary margins in ScenarioValidationChip (4e5eeaf)
- add iconButton option to Create scenario button (c6501d8)
- delete backdrop in flowchart view when the menu drawer is open (3e9973a)
- disable tooltip on contained Share and Create buttons (ac84379)
- change style of dataset and runTemplate labels in scenario node (084b056)
- fix possible issues with default & max height of Table component (4e2d243)
- add optional param runTemplateId to update & rename callbacks in ScenarioNode (b5750f9)
- add visibilityOptions prop in Table component (996fb0f)
- add dataset name in folded accordion in scenario manager (042662e)
- fix overflow in firefox when a scenario has a very long name (eaedd1f)
- add description and tags fields in createScenarioDialog (c59e73a)
- add description and tags fields in scenarioManager (6e942ea)
- extend search to tags, description and owner in scenario manager (a8aaa91)
- remove undesired persistent placeholder in MultiSelect component (adbec0c)
- fix uncaught error when defaultRunTemplateDataset is not defined (a3ada1a)
- support optional property
- [PROD-13567] add placeholder when display of results is disabled (022951d)
- bump yarn to v4
- bump ag-grid-react & ag-grid-community to major version 32.0
- bump @rollup/plugin-commonjs to major version 26.0
- other minor updates of dependencies
- [SDCOSMO-1274] in scenario manager, redirect to scenario view directly by clicking on scenario name (d2b3661)
- add revertData button in table toolbar (760019e)
- [SDCOSMO-1974] add scenario selector component in scenario parameters (81dd71b)
- fix resource card description height (f3321e8)
- component EditableLabel is removed and replaced by EditableLink (d2b3661)
In scenarioNode, the prop redirect is removed and replaced by the prop edit
8.1.2 2024-05-24 (85a661911703695158106a3d1395002be0825bbb...85a661911703695158106a3d1395002be0825bbb)
- add ellipsis for too long string in basic enum (85a6619)
- fix MultiSelect 'labels' prop and disabled behavior (19862d8)
- [PROD-13271] implement multi select component (052ee8a)
- fix RolesEditionButton ignoring disabled option when using icon button (38343ce)
- fix theme initialization of embedded PowerBI reports (ec79301)
- add optional prop
to set & update reports theme (a3f137c)
- fix z-index of the fullscreen container for Tables (a91fd5f)
- fix upload file component margin issue by removing
prop default value (9c173aa) - fix tooltip not disappearing when toggling fullscreen mode in
(12c121d) - remove nullish keys from error object before patching it (2a94ef7)
- update ag-grid dependencies from 30.2.1 to 31.0.3
- update rollup from 3.29.4 to 4.9.6
- other minor updates of dependencies
- in the component
, the default value of propisDirty
has been removed. (9c173aa). This prop will now accept null and undefined. These values won't apply margins around the "browse" button.
- remove forced datasets filter on tags in CreateScenarioButton (93178e9)
- the list of datasets provided to the CreateScenarioButton (93178e9) component will no longer be filtered, showing the whole list of datasets when creating a new scenario, including the datasets that don't have the tag "dataset". If your webapp still needs this behavior, add the filter mechanism before forwarding the list of datasets to the props of CreateScenarioButton.
- [PROD-12956] fix some labels in Dashboards components (a4a7001)
- [PROD-12944] fix Table crash when showing large files in fullscreen (a901378)
- allow props forwarding to TextField component inside SearchBar (e0c20f6)
- restore run template label accidentally removed from ScenarioNode (7312a39)
- [PROD-12487] add new component
(9f965d5) - [PROD-12490] add new component
(6d7fcf6) - add new prop
(fa3eee0) BasicInputs
components using aTextField
now have a new propsize
to apply to this text field (366f497)
- fix default props of
component (eb75c21) - make
toolbar tooltips disappear when button hovering stops (6760c6c) - replace enum value by key in
tag ofBasicRadioInput
<Grid item>
components have been removed from the root of allBasicInputs
components, please adapt your web application if you need it for a layout (366f497)- in
component, the colon (:) character must now be included in the dataset label (ca06cc9)
- fix error with MSAL login
- increase clickable area of buttons in table toolbar (b736a3a)
- add option shouldHideFileName in UploadFile component (e3db76d)
- always show enum values instead of keys in BasicEnumInput (d81c747)
- fix missing upgrade of @cosmotech/core package
5.9.3 2023-09-27 (02139af7bcc149c3d69821b144ee954cdad91794...02139af7bcc149c3d69821b144ee954cdad91794)
- [PROD-12177] fix last issues of delete rows button (02139af)
5.9.2 2023-09-20 (0f59dbcef51b7963406295e237949cedb20ec285...0f59dbcef51b7963406295e237949cedb20ec285)
- [PROD-12177] delete rows button is now enabled only when at least a row is selected (0f59dbc)
- fix empty results when first displaying dashboards (8340d08)
- add an option to force date as UTC in BasicDateInput date picker component (9e894c7)
5.9.0 2023-09-07 (5475a1e3f63a8343209c6fc697fc13743b673659...09dd215ecc751856e685abd9e3d9bb6780da9e07)
- [PROD-11739] add technical informations entry in help menu (09dd215)
- [PROD-12227] fix float numbers input when using FR locale (bc653ce)
- add optional prop 'gridRef' in Table component to retrieve ag-grid ref (1233c25)
- fix possible duplicated keys in HierarchicalComboBox (07599ce)
- [PROD-11756] add fallbacks values to input components
5.7.0 2023-08-03 (784365fe2b61d7b645103bdad5e49fc1d4463e74...880bff477c23746d67163ae25be2db89a318e2c7)
- [PROD-11630] add file format validation for file upload input (784365f)
- add native import & export buttons in
toolbar (067409a) - add optional prop
(067409a) - add native buttons in
to add and delete rows (e895f77)
- [PROD-11885] prevent leaving empty cells in columns of type string when option is disabled (2094153)
- [PROD-10350] add scenario run type in scenario manager cards (cd255f5)
- [PROD-12032] add error display and helperText to GenericToggleInput (6504560)
- [PROD-11662] fix the way to pass errors and error messages in DesktopDatePicker (e660eb4)
- [PROD-11969] minor improvements in error code display in SimplePowerBIReportEmbed (49afe5a)
- [PROD-11209] add optional tooltips for enum values in BasicEnumInput (e1afa50)
- [PROD-11627] add helper text to display errors in BasicTextField component (e6d8f04)
- prevent empty fields in columns of type 'string' when
option is disabled (04c21be)
- [PROD-10289] add fullscreen button in table component (99de0e6)
- [PROD-10572] add specific style to identify non-editable cells in Table (6e1e501)
- [PROD-11628] add errors display to Number and Date inputs (c55035f)
- fix error in some input components when prop textFieldProps is not defined (230d367)
- fix error when deleting the content of a table cell with DEL key (7a44db0)
- fix float numbers input when using FR locale (1f86f9d)
- update dependencies
- [PROD-7902] add optional "disabled" prop in RolesEditionButton (2ce8e46)
- [PROD-11431] add optional customization props in SimpleTwoActionsDialog (715887a)
- [PROD-11411] in Table component, save cell when it loses focus (ac3a5a7)
- fix tooltips props in basic input components (8caa6f0)
- improve behavior of BasicInputNumber component (23ed453, afd20e8)
5.1.0 2022-08-27 (b505413d86d01cb4d4b05af3f30b264cc91cd6e1...b0d5c4db240065952d2400b51d4c5d5457d4b3b6)
- [PROD-9516] use vertical color indicator for modified inputs (446662c)
- fix error banner's animation, handle error properly (b0d5c4d)
- add DataIngestionInProgress status in ScenarioNode (40c40f3)
- [PROD-11110] Limit display of file load errors (0ec67ca)
- change button and title labels in read-only scenario sharing dialog (810a9be)
- remove component
- migrate material-ui from v4 to v5
- make labels.dataInTransfer prop optional in SimplePowerBIReportEmbed component to prevent breaking change (5b7f6e8)
- update dependencies
- [PROD-10527] add in progress animation on dashboard (230ac04)
- [PROD-10462] add fallback value when either
is provided to a slider component (4ad6ea6) - remove unnecessarily required value prop in slider input (127a225)
- [PROD-10537] imrpove scenario manager performance (5447d67)
- add DataIngestionInProgress state (24b3b50)
- provide slider component for number input (49088f6)
- add basic radio input scenario parameters (10f935e)
- add optional prop visibleScenarios in SimplePowerBIReportEmbed (333843b)
- add ErrorBoundary component (ce71a6b)
- improve dashboards placeholder layout & style (943fce8)
- implement Tooltip in all scenario parameters (c3627dc)
- prevent blanck power bi report (928b2c6)
- add ResourceCard component (7360815)
- add generic tooltip component FadingTooltip (722e95b)
- add avatar shape option to DefaultAvatar (e61a589)
- Remove replaceAll not supported by node 14 (85f5e0b)
- add selector on share scenario agents select render option (7fe310d)
- remove lodash dependency
- prevent 'none' role in new ACL entries if
is enabled (24cd559)
- add PermissionsGate component
- allow fine-grained permissions system to rename & delete scenarios in scenario manager
- add new component
- add new component
- add new component
- improvements in the CytoViz component:
- graph exploration
- node search
- statistics HUD
- prevent undesired re-renders of scenario creation dialog
- prevent disappearing title in scenario removal confirmation dialog
- minor improvements in CreateScenarioButton component (389d5d1)
- fix possible warning in HierarchicalComboBox (a0847c3)
- make master scenario checkbox always visible in creation dialog (7bf9186)
- prevent unnecessary re-renders in CytoViz component (0a46558)
- fix broken EditableLabel page in documentation (270e9db)
- highlight adjacent edges in CytoViz component (0d83459)
- use tooltip for every <IconButton> (79df591)
- use contrastText for validated and rejected Chips (e85aa30)
- use correct variant for buttons according to Material Design (29f317d)
- modify CREATE labels (0897e28)
- adapt search part to new theme in Scenario Manager (4b3e851)
- use secondary color for some form controls (c5cec5b)
- add missing data-cy tag for CANCEL button in CreateScenarioDialog (43d800d)
- fix published package
- remove PrivateRoute and PublicRoute components (805c6f4)
- update palette according to MaterialUI specifications (266c972)
- remove username in AppBar, next to user's avatar, and use a tooltip instead (266c972)
- add DefaultAvatar component generating a deterministic avatar based on user name (5ad2630)
- add missing data-cy props in several components
- move error label of EditableLabel component below the text field (af96745)
- fix possible material-ui warning caused by disabled Button in Tooltip (ec73c3a)
- bump ag-grid-react & ag-grid-community to major version 28.1.0 (9cc563d)
- add missing data-cy selectors in several components
- fix possible material-ui warning caused by disabled Button in Tooltip (ec73c3a)
- attempt to prevent uncaught exception error on page switch (be91ebd)
- force re-render of table cells when rows data prop changes (075b7df)
- set rename error message below the text field (af96745)
- fix multiple placeholders shown in PowerBI report (0bba147)
- implement EditableLable component (cd23349)
- fix app crash when no dashboard for a run template and add unknownScenario placeholder (248621f)
- ScenarioNode and ScenarioManagerTreeList have new required prop 'onScenarioName' (cd23349)
- force re-render of table cells when rows data prop changes (95e5ddd)
- make dismiss errors button optional in ErrorBanner component (3491d22)
- add error banner & placeholder in CytoViz component (3fb6038)
- fix loading spinner position in Table input component (9bf486d)
- prevent selection of elements declared as not selectable in CytoViz component (d9c3d69)
- fix export of FixedRatioContainer component (fa42860)
- fix console warning when using string type in table column (09c2846)
- fix error banner hidden behind powerbi loading screen (0f6e6f9)
- prevent showing 'null' status in ErrorBanner (a316535)
- create an error display banner (93d162f)
- fix possible drag & drop error in ScenarioManagerTreeList (0e9a018)
- set scenario creation button variant to 'contained' in dialog (7e7d078)
- add new component FixedRatioContainer (d15990c)
- add new component ScenarioValidationStatusChip (cdfaabd)
- add scenario validation chips in scenario manager (67d876a)
- add scenario validation chips in HierarchicalComboBox (a39ddc3)
- support empty fields in table component (b25384a)
- improve dynamic height of dashboards (f537d84)
- fix scenario manager crash when scenarios have the 'Unknown' run status (250ce19)
- fix scenario manager crash when scenarios have the 'Unknown' run status (250ce19)
- update dependencies
- add new component ScenarioValidationStatusChip (cdfaabd)
- add scenario validation chips in scenario manager (67d876a)
- add scenario validation chips in HierarchicalComboBox (a39ddc3)
- add new component FixedRatioContainer (d15990c)
- improve dynamic height of dashboards (f537d84)
- fix scenario manager crash when scenarios have the 'Unknown' run status (250ce19)
- remove unexpected extra placeholder when no scenarios exist
- restore default behavior of SimplePowerBIReportEmbed component on missing prop iframeRatio
- update dependencies
- add new optional prop iframeRatio to set a fixed display ratio to the PowerBI iframe (de2f065)
- rename redirection props function and make it non-required (06dd2a2)
- add redirection to scenario view button in scenario node (1fc09a0)
- make all nodes in scenario manager expanded by default (a3c41c4)
- upgrade collapse/expand behavior scenario tree (fb75f85)
- improve scenario manager UI (770afac)
- add expand/collapse feature for ScenarioNode components (770afac)
- ScenarioNode has new required props isExpanded, setIsExpanded and labels.running (770afac)
- remove unnecessary label prop ariaLabelledby in SimpleTwoActionsDialog (8ba15d5)
- add DontAskAgainDialog component (05b8116)
- update dependencies
- let users add default cytoscape layouts in extra layouts by setting a null object (25273b0)
- update dependencies
- set a max width for BasicDateInput component (9b5db8b)
- add labels customization in CytoViz NodeData component (99730df)
- allow edge selection, show placeholder when element has no data (9ba5fa9)
- fix render prop type in PrivateRoute (f95b340)
- add missing props validation in PrivateRoute (b0d746b)
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- add CytoViz component for cytoscape visualization (311d649)
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- upgrade iframes place holder behavior (398654c)
- add about button in help menu and some data-cy props (e086c5b)
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- in Table, Ag Grid theme is now passed as props (996e48d)
- update dependencies
- add missing data-cy props in ErrorsPanel
- update dependencies
- use "info" instead of "secondary" for "created" status (1e117d4)
- set AG Grid theme color to light (921b171)
- fix 'required props' console errors in ScenarioNode (df5e158)
- update dependencies
- add LoadingLine component (bfb5e42)
- update dependencies
- add scenario's name in delete confirmation dialog (476b4e3)
- add possibility to show/hide delete scenario button globally (18df909)
- update dependencies
- Add possibility to use AAD authentication mode for SimplePowerBIReportEmbed component (ec61bbe)
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- harmonize support for additional props in all basic input components (3019202)
- add data-cy prop on file name labels (8c2f7f2)
- fix console warning and error in create scenario dialog (f96299e)
- implement help menu and some changes on user info menu (404356c)
- remove Chip from Typography to suppress warning (d2c1603)
- use chips with right colors for scenario run status (d158aa6)