User-friendly package implementing GW waveform models in pure python, thus enabling parallelization over multiple events at a time. All the waveforms are accurately checked with their implementation in LALSuite.
Developed by Francesco Iacovelli.
This package is released together with the papers arXiv:2207.02771 and arXiv:2207.06910, where detail of implementations and results can be found.
The organisation of the repository is the following:
Import of the waveform models in the folder 'waveform_models/' for ease of use
├── waveform_models/
Core: implementation of various GW waveform models present in
LALSimulation in pure Python
Auxiliary functions: constants, conversions,
spherical harmonics and parameter checks
├── WFfiles
Folder containing some text files needed for waveform computation
├── WF4Py_tutorial.ipynb
Jupyter notebook with tutorial for the usage
Code documentation in Sphinx
WF4Py has its documentation hosted on Read the Docs here, and it can also be built from the docs
To install the package without cloning the git repository simply run
pip install git+
Each waveform is a derived of the abstract class WaveFormModel
, and has built in functions Phi
, Ampl
, tau_star
and fcut
to compute the phase, amplitude, time to coalescence and cut frequency, respectively for the chosen catalog of events.
The functions accept as inputs the catalog as well as the frequencies at at which the computation has to be performed.
The catalog has to be a dictionary containing the parameters of the events, such as
events = {'Mc':np.array([...]),
where Mc
denotes the chirp mass (in units of solar masses), dL
the luminosity distance (in Gpc), iota
the inclination angle, eta
the symmetric mass ratio, chi1z
and chi2z
the adimensional spin components of the two objects aligned with the orbital angular momentum and Lambda1
and Lambda2
the adimensional tidal deformability parameters of the objects in the tidal case.
Any waveform can then be easily used e.g. as
waveforms.IMRPhenomD().Ampl(fgrids, **events)
For a detailed tutorial refer to WF4Py_tutorial.ipynb
- (v1.0.0)
(1., 2., 3., 4., 5.) - (v1.0.0)
(6., 7.) - (v1.0.0)
(6., 7., 8.) - (v1.0.0)
(9., 10.) - (v1.0.0)
(8., 11.) - (v1.0.0)
The adherence of all the models with their implementation in LALSuite is accuratly tested. As an example, we here report the comparison in the implementations of IMRPhenomXAS
If using this software, please cite this repository and the papers arXiv:2207.02771 and arXiv:2207.06910. Bibtex:
author = "Iacovelli, Francesco and Mancarella, Michele and Foffa, Stefano and Maggiore, Michele",
title = "{Forecasting the Detection Capabilities of Third-generation Gravitational-wave Detectors Using GWFAST}",
eprint = "2207.02771",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "gr-qc",
doi = "10.3847/1538-4357/ac9cd4",
journal = "Astrophys. J.",
volume = "941",
number = "2",
pages = "208",
year = "2022"
author = "Iacovelli, Francesco and Mancarella, Michele and Foffa, Stefano and Maggiore, Michele",
title = "{GWFAST: A Fisher Information Matrix Python Code for Third-generation Gravitational-wave Detectors}",
eprint = "2207.06910",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "astro-ph.IM",
doi = "10.3847/1538-4365/ac9129",
journal = "Astrophys. J. Supp.",
volume = "263",
number = "1",
pages = "2",
year = "2022"
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