Author: Courtney Osborn
Rock Paper Scissors or Ching-Chong-Cha, as South African's call it, is a two player game. It requires you to call either rock, paper or scissors at the same time as your opponent. The winner is determined by the calls made by both participants.
- Rock beats scissors
- Paper beats rock
- Scissors beats paper
Two players are required to play. Player 1 will make there choice of either rock, paper or scissors and then it's player 2's turn. The winner will be determined based on the players' choices.
$ git clone
$ cd rps-challenge
$ install bundle
$ ruby app.rb
Then go to localhost:4567
And enjoy
- gem 'sinatra'
- gem 'rake'
- gem 'rspec-sinatra'
- gem 'rspec'
- gem 'capybara'
- $ rspec