Prisoners Dilemma with Tit-for-Tat and Random strategy with an angry or sad Cozmo
Two Cozmo robots Two Android tablets with Cozmo version 1.5 installed on it.
Python 3.5.3 with following packages installed numpy==1.16.4 Pillow==6.1.0 cozmoclad==1.5.0 cozmo==0.14.0
The cozmo sdk(s) are a match for version Cozmo app version 1.5 . They need to be installed in order provided so that a newer version of the packages don't get pulled in. To install Cozmo app see here
To setup your device and computer to run custom python code, see instruction from Anki here:
Note: To use later versions of the Cozmo app you might need to revisit the animations that have been updated.