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File metadata and controls

446 lines (311 loc) · 13.4 KB


To define a persistent entity you just have to extend the Entity trait. First, import from your persistence context:

import myContext._

With this import, all methods and types to use Activate will be in the class scope.

Entities can be defined in just one line:

class Person(var name: String) extends Entity

You can declare the attributes as val or var, where they are immutable or not.

Activate uses Transparent Persistence for all classes that extends the Entity trait directly or indirectly. This means that all instance creations and modifications will be automatically persistent. It’s unnecessary to use methods like “persist”, “save”, “merge”, etc.


The entity trait adds the following methods and values:

  • val id: T

    Each entity must have a primary id field. It is possible to use automatic generated ids or define custom ids. See entity id.

  • def delete: Unit

    Delete the entity instance

  • def deleteIfHasntReferences: Unit

    Deletes the entity only if it hans’t references.

  • def deleteCascade: Unit

    Deletes the entity and all cascade references to it.

  • def canDelete: Boolean

    Indicates if the entity hasn’t references and can be deleted.

  • def isDeleted: Boolean

    Indicates if the instance is deleted.

  • def isDirty: Boolean

    Indicates if the entity is modified by the current transaction.

  • def creationTimestamp: Long

    def creationDate: java.util.Date

    def creationDateTime: org.joda.time.DateTime

    Returns the instance creation date/timestamp. It’s not possible to perform queries using this methods. They extract the timestamp information from the entity UUID.

  • def references: Map[EntityMetadata, List[Entity]]

    Returns a map with all entities that references the entity.

  • def originalValue[T](f: this.type => T): T

    Returns the original value of the attribute before the transaction start.

The entity trait also overrides the toString method, generating a string representation based on the entity properties.



By default, Activate provides an automatic id generation mechanism using UUIDs and the entity type information.

class MyEntity extends Entity

This entity has a String id with 45 characters. It’s possible to recover the class using EntityHelper.getEntityClassFromId.


It is possible to use custom ids by extending from EntityWithCustomID:

class MyEntity(id: Int) extends EntityWithCustomID[Int]

Using this approach, for each entity instantiation it is necesary to provide the id.


The EntityWithGeneratedID trait provides automatic custom generated ids.

class MyEntity extends EntityWithGeneratedID[Int]

It is necessary to have in the classpath an id generator:


class MoyEntityIdGenerator extends IdGenerator[MyEntity] {
	def nextId = ...

You need to provide a concrete implementation for the nextId method. There are two default implementations using sequences:


class MyEntityIdGenerator 
		extends SegmentedIdGenerator[MyEntity](mySequence)

class MyEntityIdGenerator 
		extends SequencedIdGenerator[MyEntity](mySequence)

The SegmentedIdGenerator* uses segments to reduce the lock contention during the id generation. It should be used if you don't need strictly sequenced ids.

The SequencedIdGenerator uses the provided sequence directly.


It is necessary to provide the "mySequence" instance in the previous example.

import net.fwbrasil.activate.sequence.Sequence

object mySequence extends Sequence[Int] {
	protected def _nextValue = ??? // obtain the next value from the database

You can use the two built in sequence mechanisms:

class MyEntityIdGenerator 
		extends SegmentedIdGenerator[MyEntity](LongSequenceEntity(sequenceName = "myEntitySequence", step = 10))

class MyEntityIdGenerator
		extends SegmentedIdGenerator[MyEntity](IntSequenceEntity(sequenceName = "myEntitySequence", step = 10))

To use these sequences, it is necessary to create tables for the respective entities:

Table LongSequenceEntity

  • id: String
  • name: String
  • value: Long
  • step: Int

Table IntSequenceEntity

  • id: String
  • name: String
  • value: Int
  • step: Int


The most commom usage scenario:

import myPersistenceContext._

class MyEntity 
		extends EntityWithGeneratedID[Int]

class MyEntityIdGenerator 
		extends SegmentedIdGenerator[MyEntity](IntSequenceEntity(sequenceName = "myEntitySequence", step = 10))

A more complex example:

class ModelIDSequence(name: String)
		extends SequenceEntity[String](name, 1) {
	def _nextValue = {
		value += step
		s"$name%05d" format value

object ModelIDSequence {
	def apply(sequenceName: String, step: Int = 1) = {
		transactional(requiresNew) {
			select[ModelIDSequence].where( :== sequenceName).headOption.getOrElse {
				new ModelIDSequence(sequenceName)

class ModelSID extends SequencedIdGenerator[Model](ModelIDSequence("m"))


Activate has support for the types listed below. If an unsupported type is used, Activate will produce an error on context startup.

Simple types:

  • scala.Int
  • scala.Long
  • scala.Boolean
  • scala.Char
  • scala.Float
  • scala.Double
  • scala.math.BigDecimal
  • java.lang.String

Other types:

  • scala.collection.immutable.List

    MongoStorage, PrevaylerStorage and TransientMemoryStorage persist lists as “native” values. JdbcRelationalStorage persists lists in a separate list table. See migration for more information.

  • net.fwbrasil.activate.entity.LazyList

    This is a special list type of entities. It uses lazy loading of its contents, avoiding hard references for the referenced entities. The persistence context has implicit conversions that allows its usage as normal lists.

  • scala.Enumeration

    To use enumerations you must sublcass Val. Instead of “type MyEnum = Value”, use case “class MyEnum(name: String) extends Val(name)”.

  • java.util.Date

  • java.util.Calendar

  • scala.Array[Byte]

    If you have to modify a date/calendar/byte array attribute, don’t change the actual instance. Produce a new one and set the attribute again. Otherwise, Activate will not track modifications.

  • org.joda.time.base.AbstractInstant

    Support for joda time AbstractInstant subclasses: Instant, DateMidnight and DateTime.

  • net.fwbrasil.activate.entity.Entity

    Entity attributes are persisted as references (id) in the storage.

  • scala.Serializable

    Activate uses Serializable as the last option, other types have priority. Ensure that the serializable is immutable, otherwise Activate will not control the serializable internal modifications.

  • scala.Option

    Support for “options” for any of the types listed above.


For the types not listed above, it is possible to create custom encoders that translate the value to a known type. For example, given the class:

class CustomEncodedEntityValue(val i: Int) extends Serializable

Just create the encoder class and add it to the same package or a sub package of your persistence context:

import myContext._
class CustomEncodedEntityValueEncoder
		extends Encoder[CustomEncodedEntityValue, Int] {
	def encode(value: CustomEncodedEntityValue) = value.i
	def decode(i: Int) = new CustomEncodedEntityValue(i)

Activate provides a compressed byte array enconder implementation (ZipEncoder). Example usage:

case class CompressedEntityValue(string: String)

class CompressedEntityValueEncoder extends ZipEncoder[CompressedEntityValue] {
    protected def write(value: CompressedEntityValue, stream: DataOutputStream) = {
        val bytes = value.string.getBytes
    protected def read(stream: DataInputStream) = {
    	val size = stream.readInt 
        val array = new Array[Byte](size)
        val string = new String(array)
        new CompressedEntityValue(string)


Activate uses serialization as the last option to persist an entity attribute, if it is supported. It is possible to determine the serializer to be used by overriding the context default serializer:

import net.fwbrasil.activate.serialization.xmlSerializer
object myContext extends ActivateContext {
	val storage = ...
	override protected val defaultSerializer = xmlSerializer

Provided serializer implementations:





Additionally, is possible to define custom serializers by entity attribute:

import net.fwbrasil.activate.serialization.xmlSerializer
import net.fwbrasil.activate.serialization.jsonSerializer
object myContext extends ActivateContext {
   	val storage = ...
	override protected def customSerializers = List(
		serialize[MyEntity](_.someAttribute) using jsonSerializer,
		serialize[OtherEntity](_.otherAttribute) using xmlSerializer)


It is possible to use transient entity attributes using the Scala @transient annotation. The value can be an unsupported type, since it will not be persisted to the storage.

class MyEntity extends Entity {
	@transient val valThatWillNotBePersisted = "a"
	@transient var varThatWillNotBePersisted = "b"

The value can be lazy. It will be initialized every time that the entity is loaded from the storage and the attribute used:

class MyEntity extends Entity {
	@transient lazy val attributeThatWillBeLazyInitializedAferEntityLoad = "a"


It is possible to define custom names for entities and its properties. The custom names define how Activate persist the information. Example:

class Person(@Alias("personName") var name: String) extends Entity


An entity can be serialized/deserialized and stays consistent. Activate serialize entities inside an envelope containing the entity id. When the entity is deserialized, it is recovered from the LiveCache or from the storage. If the entity is serialized during a transaction that holds a modification on it, if the transaction don’t commit, the deserialized entity will not have the modification.


It is possible to listen events of the entity lifecycle by overriding these methods on each entity class:

protected def beforeConstruct: Unit

Called before the entity constructor body execution. IMPORTANT: This event should be overridden in very special cases, since the instance is in an inconsistent state.

protected def afterConstruct: Unit

Called just after the constructor body execution.

protected def beforeInitialize: Unit

Called before the entity being loaded from the database.

protected def afterInitialize = {}

Called after the entity being loaded from the database.

protected def beforeDelete = {}

Called before the “delete” method execution.

protected def afterDelete = {}

Called after the “delete” method execution.


It is possible to define special methods to have callbacks when entity properties are changed:

class Person(var name: String) extends Entity {
    def onNameChange = on( {
        val old = originalValue(
        println(s"Name modified. Old: $old New: $name")

The “originalValue” entity method can be very useful inside property listeners.


Since Activate uses the transparent persistence, it is not good to create entities that should not persisted. The EntityMap is a way to hold entity values and create/update entities when is needed. Example usage:

var personMap = new EntityMap[Person]()
personMap = personMap.put("John")
personMap.get( // Some("John")
personMap( // "John"

The EntityMap is immutable and there is a mutable alternative:

val personMap = new MutableEntityMap[Person]()
personMap.get( // Some("John")
personMap( // "John"

Available methods to manipulate entities:

def createEntity: Entity

Creates an entity instance with the entity map values.

def createEntityUsingConstructor: Entity

Tries to create using a constructor. If there isn’t one and only one constructor matching a subset of the map values, an exception is thrown. If there are more than the properties necessary to call the constructor, the remaining will be set by update automatically after the constructor call.

def updateEntity(id: String): Entity

Finds the entity by id and updates it with the values in the map. Throws a NoSuchElementException if the id is invalid.

def tryUpdate(id: String): Option[Entity]

Tries to update the entity given the id, if the entity exists.

def updateEntity(entity: E): Entity

Updates the entity instance with the values.

Note: There are asynchronous variants for the methods starting with the prefix “async”.