MyPokeDex is my first own project. Whole idea based on device's which appeared in television show - Pokemon. This is a main difference between other Pokedex maded using website list.
To make this project I used:
- React.js
- JSON (in progress)
- JavaScript
- EcmaScript 6
- Webpack
Most Pokemon's photo graphic's are static. But I would like to change.
Voices of Pokemon's are from original source (Pokemon Red), but some of them I replaced from TV show. Its time-consuming job and I will change it step by step.
Some of Pokemon's have a special animation, triggered when you click on his picture. Now it is only couple of them, but my goal is make over 20 special animations of most characteristic Poke's. - Sprites. - Images, info.
If you would like to contact me. Please use the email below: