I'm so happy with the progress so far and the people who've helped me!
I'm now in the top resaults for yagpdb/pagstdb CCs!
I have made more commands, like an amazing starboard, poll, and tic-tac-toe system commands!
I hope to re-make my suggestion system with easy-to customize sub commands that was lost due to me getting hacked.
There are plans for a cross-server chatting/messaging system using a trick I found.
As you noticed, I have modified starboard to have plugins kinda, here are some up-coming ones
Github (from Webhook)
Yagpdb/Pagstdb-feed (reddit, youtube, twitter) webhooks
I hope to improve my knowledge of flags so timed polls are a thing. I also plan to merge alll the CCs together 👍 .
Thank you Devonte, Piter, Joe, DZ, LemmeCry, and YAGPDB support for teaching me and answering my 101 questions!