The generated datasets maintain the same directory structure as the corresponding original datasets. For each original image, we created a .png file that includes all 10 variants of the original image. For example, given the original sample:
We store its 10 variants as a single image of the following form:
Additionally, we store a .txt file that contains the descriptions of the clothing for each variant, with each description on a separate line.
Gray shirt| Blue jeans| Black shoes
Black top| Black pants| Black shoes
White top| Blue jeans| White shoes
blue shirt| black shorts| black shoes.
Shirt | Jeans | Shoes
Yellow t-shirt| Black pants| Black shoes
Gray top|Blue jeans|White shoes
Green top| Blue shorts| White shoes
Gray t-shirt| Black pants| Black shoes
Black shirt| Black pants| Black shoes
To read the generated images when you have acces to the name of the original image, you can use the following code:
generated_images = os.path.join(self.generated_data_location, img_name+".png")
generated_images =
generated_images = np.array(generated_images)
generated_images = rearrange(generated_images, 'h (b w) c->b h w c', b=10)
- Run LLaVA
cd LLaVA
Follow the setup instructions described in the file. Run the clothes descriptions with the following command
python -s <path_training_data> --model_path <path_checkpoint> --output_file ./prcc_clothes_descriptions.jsonl
Check also the README file for downloading the model weights.
- Create the summaries using llama:
cd ../llama
Follow the setup instructions described in the file. Extract the summaries:
torchrun --nproc_per_node 1 --ckpt_dir Llama-2-7b-chat/ --tokenizer_path ./Llama-2-7b-chat/tokenizer.model --max_seq_len 512 --max_batch_size 6
- Run mask extraction
cd ../Self-Correction-Human-Parsing
Follow the setup instructions described in the file
python --dataset lip --model-restore exp-schp-201908261155-lip.pth --input-dir <path_training_data> --output-dir prcc_masks
- Generate data for discriminator training:
cd ../stable-diffusion
Follow the setup instructions from the file
python --original_images_path <path_training_data> --masks_path ../Self-Correction-Human-Parsing/prcc_masks --output_directory_path . --clothes_description_path ../llama/parsed_clothes.json
- Train the discriminator
cd ../DG
Follow the setup instructions from the file
python --datadir <path_training_data>
- Rerun the generation, but this time with the discriminator on
cd ../stable-diffusion
python --original_images_path <path_training_data> --masks_path ../Self-Correction-Human-Parsing/prcc_masks --output_directory_path . --clothes_description_path ../llama/parsed_clothes.json --use_discriminator True
- Train the CC-Reid model
cd ../Simple-CCReID
Follow the setup instructions from the file
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --master_port 12345 --dataset prcc --cfg configs/res50_cels_cal.yaml --gpu 0 --root <dir_containing_data> --gen_path <path_generated_data>
After training is done, the prediction refinement method can be run:
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --master_port 12345 --dataset prcc --cfg configs/res50_cels_cal.yaml --gpu 0 --root <dir_containing_data> --gen_path <path_test_generated_data>
The prediction refinement requires new variants for the queries. Thus, before running the last command, it is needed to generate these variants. You can do this by rerunning steps 3 and 4, but this time the input data should be the queries.