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Repository files navigation

This repo contains the code for

The site is generated from:

  • config for featured projects
  • markdown for custom pages via Ember.JS, our frontend framework of choice and using the design system used for the Falcon family of products.


For content changes, edit the content in the docs folder.

  1. fork the repo
  2. git clone <the repo's git URL>
  3. cd
  4. pnpm install
  5. create a new branch
  6. make your changes
  7. commit and push
  8. open a PR for review
  9. 🎉

Running locally

once cdd into the repo, and after having run pnpm install, the app, which lives in the site directory, can be ran via pnpm start

Updating the featured projects

Same as the contributin steps, except your changes involve config.yaml.

This generates the json files that the "app" will read for both featured projects and all projects.