This python package is meant to be used as an Xblock Component for OpenEDX LMS and Studio. It's purpose is to allow embedding a video hosted on Vimeo so far, but we plan on allowing also videos hosted on (a french academic web tv).
It is developped and maintained at Université de Lille by the team of the project Culture Numérique
It depends wether you need to install it in a DevStack or FullStack OpenEDX instance
Several ways of installing a new Xblock on FullStack are documented. We recommend this one but with the following changes:
- Manually edit the custom settings in /edx/app/edxapp/cms.env.json.
- Look for attribute "FEATURES", instead of "EDXAPP_FEATURES", and add an item to it:
- then restart the server but with following command:
$ sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart edxapp:
Same as in the documentation
# Move to the folder:
cd /edx/app/edxapp
# Download the XBlock
sudo -u edxapp git clone
# Install it
sudo -u edxapp /edx/bin/pip.edxapp install xblock-cnvideo/
# Optionnaly : Remove the installation files
sudo rm -r xblock-cnvideo
In some cases, rebooting is necessary to use the XBlock.
sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart edxapp:
Go to Settings -> Advanced Settings
and set advanced_modules
to ["cnvideo"]
Select Advanced -> cnvideo
in your unit.