> python /path/to/well_data.py /path/to/json_config --input_video_path /path/to/input/video --output_dir_path /path/to/output/dir
args with a leading -- are optional and if supplied will override keys with the same name in the json config.
To run a basic system test, if you are in the main directory (multiwell_tools) :
python ./src/well_data.py "./test_data/CuriBio 24 Well Plate.json" --input_video_path .\test_data\default__2023_04_21_231442.raw --output_dir_path .\test_data\default__2023_04_21_231442Results --num_horizontal_pixels 1536 --num_vertical_pixels 1024 --num_frames 20 --bit_depth 16 --scale_factor 2 --duration 1 --fps 20
This will run the well data extraction function which will produce:
- xlsx files with the time series data from each well,
- a zip archive of all the xlsx files,
- an image with the roi's drawn on one frame of the input video,
- a plot of every wells time series data.