PCB Wrench is an open hardware project for electronics kit makers. It was designed to create lots of small M3 wrenches at an affordable price ($0.09 USD per wrench). The wrenches are strong and can tighten M3 nuts with a surprising amount of torque.
Demo video on how this project was started:
I used JLCPCB to produce my PCBs but PCB Way or any other fab should work too
Go to https://jlcpcb.com/
Click the Order Now button
Upload the gerbers.zip file
Set the order options to the following settings:
Please V-CUT as indicated in the Eco1_User gerber file.
Even if you specify the PCB to be panellized sometimes technicians will ignore the V-grooving (V-CUT) gerber file so it's important to add that comment.
JLCPCB wants all of the milling operations in the Edge_Cuts gerber file/layer in KiCad (#7 on this page), but if you do that KiCad will give you an error if you try to use the 3D previewer.