This is a collection of vQmods for Opencart that we have developed. They have all been tested on Opencart Version
You need to install vQmod on your Opencart installation and then drop these files into your xml folder. Some modifications may require editing your template files.
Add Twitter Card meta information to your products. You will need to ouput the meta data to your header.tpl
if (isset($twittercards)): foreach ($twittercards as $twittercard):
echo '<meta property="' . $twittercard['property'] . '" content="' . $twittercard['content'] . '" />';
endforeach; endif;
Add Facebook Opengraph meta information to your products. You will need to ouput the meta data to your header.tpl
if (isset($opengraphs)): foreach ($opengraphs as $opengraph):
echo '<meta property="' . $opengraph['property'] . '" content="' . $opengraph['content'] . '" />';
endforeach; endif;
Add Google Ecommerce Transaction Tracking for completed orders. You will need to have the Asynchronous ga.js snippet somewhere on your page and then add this to your success.tpl
<?php if (isset($transaction) && !empty($transaction["id"])) { ?>
'<?php echo $transaction["id"];?>', // transaction ID - required
'Cyber-Duck', // affiliation or store name
'<?php echo $transaction["total"];?>', // total - required; Shown as "Revenue" in the
'<?php echo $transaction["tax"];?>', // tax
'<?php echo $transaction["shipping"];?>', // shipping
'<?php echo $transaction["city"];?>', // city
'<?php echo $transaction["state"];?>', // state or province
'<?php echo $transaction["country"];?>' // country
foreach ($transaction['products'] as $product) { ?>
'<?php echo $transaction["id"];?>', // transaction ID - required
'<?php echo $product["model"];?>', // SKU/code - required
'<?php echo $product["name"];?>', // product name
'', // category or variation
'<?php echo $product["price"];?>', // unit price - required
'<?php echo $product["quantity"];?>' // quantity - required
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>