Description: Maps tweets to linkedin profiles
Python libraries installed: BeautifulSoup4, Requests, Twython
Twitter account to obtain application keys and Oauth tokens
Run script to generate nececcary setup and config file
Enter Twitter apps keys in config /etc/tw2inky/tw2inky.conf
Update default config file with search criteria (see below)
Execute the script: ./
Example Config (keys not shown):
[KEYS] APP_KEY='' APP_SECRET='' OAUTH_TOKEN='' OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET='' [SEARCH] max_results=500 include_twitter_hash=#bigdata, #cloudcomputing, #devops, #PaaS, #IaaS, #AWS include_linkedin_locality=San Francisco, Los Angelas include_linkedin_position=Manager, Director, CEO, CIO, CTO, VP exclude_twitter_hash=#porn exclude_linkedin_company=IBM, HP