NativeMemoryArray is a native-memory backed array for .NET and Unity. The array size of C# is limited to maximum index of 0x7FFFFFC7(2,147,483,591), Array.MaxLength. In terms of bytes[]
, it is about 2GB. This is very cheap in the modern world. We handle the 4K/8K videos, large data set of deep-learning, huge 3D scan data of point cloud, etc.
provides the native-memory backed array, it supports infinity length, Span<T>
and Memory<T>
slices, IBufferWriter<T>
, ReadOnlySeqeunce<T>
and .NET 6's new Scatter/Gather I/O API.
For example, easy to read huge data in-memory.
// for example, load large file.
using var handle = File.OpenHandle("4GBfile.bin", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, options: FileOptions.Asynchronous);
var size = RandomAccess.GetLength(handle);
// via .NET 6 Scatter/Gather API
using var array = new NativeMemoryArray<byte>(size);
await RandomAccess.ReadAsync(handle, array.AsMemoryList(), 0);
For example, easy to read/write huge data in streaming via IBufferWriter<T>
, MemorySequence
public static async Task ReadFromAsync(NativeMemoryArray<byte> buffer, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var writer = buffer.CreateBufferWriter();
int read;
while ((read = await stream.ReadAsync(writer.GetMemory(), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) != 0)
public static async Task WriteToAsync(NativeMemoryArray<byte> buffer, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
foreach (var item in buffer.AsMemorySequence())
await stream.WriteAsync(item, cancellationToken);
Even if you don't need to deal with huge data, this uses native-memory, so it doesn't use the C# heap. If you are in a situation where you can manage the memory properly, you will have a performance advantage.
For .NET, use NuGet. For Unity, please read Unity section.
PM> Install-Package NativeMemoryArray
NativeMemoryArray provides only simple Cysharp.Collections.NativeMemoryArray<T>
class. It has where T : unmanaged
constraint so you can only use struct that not includes reference type.
// call ctor with length, when Dispose free memory.
using var buffer = new NativeMemoryArray<byte>(10);
buffer[0] = 100;
buffer[1] = 100;
// T allows all unmanaged(struct that not includes reference type) type.
using var mesh = new NativeMemoryArray<Vector3>(100);
// AsSpan() can create Span view so you can use all Span APIs(CopyTo/From, Write/Read etc.).
var otherMeshArray = new Vector3[100];
The difference with Span<T>
is that NativeMemoryArray<T>
itself is a class, so it can be placed in a field. This means that, unlike Span<T>
, it is possible to ensure some long lifetime. Since you can make a slice of Memory<T>
, you can also pass it into Async methods. Also, the length limit of Span<T>
is up to int.MaxValue (roughly 2GB), however NativeMemoryArray<T>
can be larger than that.
The main advantages are as follows
- Allocates from native memory, so it does not use the C# heap.
- There is no limit of 2GB, and infinite length can be allocated as long as memory allows.
- Can pass directly via
, etc. - Can pass directly via
, etc. - Can pass huge data directly via
(Scatter/Gather API).
All NativeMemoryArray<T>
APIs are as follows
NativeMemoryArray(long length, bool skipZeroClear = false, bool addMemoryPressure = false)
long Length
ref T this[long index]
ref T GetPinnableReference()
byte* StealPointer()
Span<T> AsSpan()
Span<T> AsSpan(long start)
Span<T> AsSpan(long start, int length)
Memory<T> AsMemory()
Memory<T> AsMemory(long start)
Memory<T> AsMemory(long start, int length)
Stream AsStream()
Stream AsStream(long offset)
Stream AsStream(FileAccess fileAccess)
Stream AsStream(long offset, FileAccess fileAccess)
bool TryGetFullSpan(out Span<T> span)
IBufferWriter<T> CreateBufferWriter()
SpanSequence AsSpanSequence(int chunkSize = int.MaxValue)
MemorySequence AsMemorySequence(int chunkSize = int.MaxValue)
IReadOnlyList<Memory<T>> AsMemoryList(int chunkSize = int.MaxValue)
IReadOnlyList<ReadOnlyMemory<T>> AsReadOnlyMemoryList(int chunkSize = int.MaxValue)
ReadOnlySequence<T> AsReadOnlySequence(int chunkSize = int.MaxValue)
SpanSequence GetEnumerator()
void Dispose()
allocates memory by NativeMemory.Alloc/AllocZeroed so you need to call Dispose()
or use using scope
. In the default, allocated memory is zero-cleared. You can configure via bool skipZeroClear
. When bool addMemoryPressure
is true, calls GC.AddMemoryPressure and GC.RemoveMemoryPressure at alloc/free memory. Default is false but if you want to inform allocated memory size to managed GC, set to true.
and AsMemory()
are APIs for Slice. Returned Span
and Memory
possible to allow write operation so you can pass to the Span operation methods. Span
and Memory
have limitation of length(int.MaxValue) so if length is omitted, throws exception if array is larger. Using TryGetFullSpan()
detect can get single full span or not. AsSpanSequence()
and AsMemorySequence()
are iterate chunked all data via foreach. Using foreach directly as same as AsSpanSequence()
long written = 0;
foreach (var chunk in array)
// do anything
written += chunk.Length;
Getting a pointer is almost the same as getting an array. It can be passed as is or with an indexer.
// buffer = NativeArray<byte>
fixed (byte* p = buffer)
fixed (byte* p = &buffer[42])
allows you to get an IBufferWriter<T>
. This can be passed directly to MessagePackSerializer.Serialize
, etc., or used in cases such as reading from a Stream
, where it is retrieved and written chunk by chunk from the beginning.
The ReadOnlySequence<T>
you can get with AsReadOnlySequence()
can be passed directly to MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize
, and SequenceReader is useful to processing large data via streaming.
and AsReadOnlySequence()
are convinient data structure for RandomAccess.Read/Write
convert to the UnmanagedMemoryStream, if you want to do write operation, use FileAccess.Write
For the simple buffer processing, we provide some utility extension methods.
public static async Task ReadFromAsync(this NativeMemoryArray<byte> buffer, Stream stream, IProgress<int>? progress = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
public static async Task WriteToFileAsync(this NativeMemoryArray<byte> buffer, string path, FileMode mode = FileMode.Create, IProgress<int>? progress = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
public static async Task WriteToAsync(this NativeMemoryArray<byte> buffer, Stream stream, int chunkSize = int.MaxValue, IProgress<int>? progress = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
This utility is excluded the .NET Standard 2.0 environment since runtime API limitation.
You can install via UPM git URL package or asset package(NativeMemoryArray.*.unitypackage) available in NativeMemoryArray/releases page.
NativeMemoryArray requires System.Memory.dll
, System.Buffer.dll
, System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
. It is not included in git URL so you need get from others or install via .unitypackage only once.
The difference between NativeArray<T>
and NativeMemoryArray<T>
in Unity is that NativeArray<T>
is a container for efficient interaction with the Unity Engine(C++) side. NativeMemoryArray<T>
has a different role because it is for C# side only.
This library is licensed under the MIT License.