- [Enhance] Lanczos_ER Lanczos_Gnd not convergence with maxiter will now gives warning instead of error.
- [Enhance] Arithmetic of UniTensor(&)constant now preserve the label of input UniTensor.
- [New][experiment] Add MPS class with two variant: iMPS, RegularMPS.
- [New][experiment] Add MPO class.
- [Enhance] Add UniTensor.relabel
- [Enhance] Add Network.FromString
- [New][experiment] DMRG API
- [New][experiment] Add MPS Save/Load, and can now have different phys_dim for each site.
- [Fix] SparseUniTensor.permute does not properly update contiguous status when rowrank argument is given.
- [Enhance] get_block()/put_block() by qnums now have a new argument "force" to get blocks from non-braket_form UniTensor.
- [New] Add SparseUniTensor contract
- [New] Add SparseUniTensor linalg::Svd support.
- [Enhance] SparseUniTensor print info, add "contiguous" status.
- [Enhance] Add print_info for Symmetry descriptor
- [Enhance] Add UniTensor.syms()
- [Fix] Tensor.set when one of accessor is Singl will cause error.
- [Enhance] SparseUniTensor diag x diag, diag x dense are finished.
- [Fix] SparseUniTensor when diag permutation issue.
- [Fix] Sort does not return out Tensor.
- [Fix] Tproxy.item() does not get correct element.
- [Fix] Bug for Svd on SparseUniTensor vT is being set by U
- [New][experiment] Svd_truncate for SparseUniTensor
- [New] add Bond.redirect(), Bond.retype()
- [Fix] SparseUniTensor.permute() does not properly update braket_form
- [Fix] SparseUniTensor.set_rowrank should track _inner_rowrank not _rowrank bug.
- [Enhance] Add UniTensor.change_label() <- [Removed!!] use relabel(s)()
- [Fix] Svd_truncate when one of the block has only dim=1 should fill-in the dangling dimension.
- [New][experiment] iTEBD with U1 symmetry example for Heisenberg chain
- [Change] v0.7.4 [26.] replace change_label() with relabel. Now only have set_label(s) and relabel(s) with *_label() have by_label option.
- [Enhance] Add Accessor option Qns, qns()
- [Change] Trace now by default trace axis =0 and axis=1 if no argument specify.
- [Fix] Compare of two Bonds will now also check qnums.
- [New][experiment] SparseUniTensor.Trace() now support rank-2 symmetric UniTensor -> scalar
- [New][experiment] Contract of SparseUniTensor with two SUT with same labels -> scalar is now avaliable
- [Fix] DMRG initialize does not properly normalize the init state.
- [New] Scalar.conj(), Scalar.real(), Scalar.imag(), Scalar.maxval(dtype), Scalar.minval(dtype)
- [Enhance] Lanczos internal now written with single general function.
- [Enhance] Storage.append() now accept Scalar
- [Enhance][Fix] Fix inplace Arithmetic between Tensor +=(-=,*=,/=) Tensor with both non-contiguous leads to inconsistent memory alignment.
- [Enhance] from 39. add iAdd(), iDiv(), iMul(), iSub(), this can be called by user but is not recommended.
- [Enhance] Modify DMRG kernel for generic UniTensor as state.
- [New][experiment] Add Lanczos_Gnd_Ut() which accept Tin as UniTensor
- [New][experiment] LinOp now add an matvec option for UniTensor => UniTensor, which can be used together with Lanczos_Gnd_Ut
- [Change] Remove LinOp with custom function support, inheritance is forced.
- [Enhance] add Tensor.at() without template.
- [Change][Enhance] Remove UniTensor.get_elem/set_elem, unify them with at().
- [Fix] Trace for SparseUniTensor with is_diag=True.
- [New][experiment] MPS.Norm()
- [Fix] Lanczos_Gnd_Ut when input dimension is only 2 now check if the beta=0.
- [New] Add DMRG U1 example.
- [Change] Behavior change for Svd_truncate. SparseUniTensor the keepdim can exceed the current dimension of UniTensor, in such case it is equivalent to Svd.
- [New] Add UniTensor.Norm()
- [New][experiment] add MPS.Init_Msector(), which initialize the state with specify total magnetization.
- [Enhance] Add additional feature Svd_truncate with truncation_err (err) and return_err option for Ten
- [Enhance] Add additional feature Svd_truncate with truncation_err (err) and return_err option for DUTen
- [Enhance] Add python dmrg example for using tn_algo