My name is David and I'm a 24-years-old undergraduate Computer Science Engineering student at University of Pécs Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.
My specialisation will be application developer, and main expertise is in C# development, where I mainly focus on cross-platform app development by creating desktop apps built on AvaloniaUI or creating web applications in ASP.NET Core (just like this site, if you're reading this on
Like I mentioned before, this website is written by me, and it's powered by ASP.NET Core, currently running on .NET 7.0 - inside an alpine-based docker image -, but I plan to update it to .NET 8.0, when it comes out. It's source code lives here.
The project, that I'm currently working on is CWCT-MA (and its dependencies, like Markdig.Extensions.Xmd or CzomPack)
I’m currently learning
- using Microsoft MAUI for mobile and desktop application development,
- and just recently started to dip into the Java webapp world by learning Spring Framework and some of its technologies as well.