Assessment center for web dev position at DDS docu tools team.
Fork this repository and implement a sample application as descirbed below. Use the UML class diagram as a data model for the described CRUD application.
- Create CRUD single page web application for construction projects.
- The user should see a table of all construction projects in the storage.
- Creating new or editing existing construction projects should happen in a modal dialog. When completing the modal dialog, the table must be updated.
- The table should be searchable by a text searchbar.
- Make it possible to delete multiple records in the table at once.
- Use functional components (react hooks might be useful).
- You don't have to write a backend/persistence layer for this assessment center! Just store the data in-memory or in browser storage.
- Employ styled components for keeping a consistent style through the CRUD apps components.
- Add a Markdown file named
explaining:- How to build and run the application locally.
- Document/explain the decisions you've made during the assessment.