This project is a hapi.js 17 compatible fork of swagger-hapi. It relies on the associated Hapi 17 compatible fork of the swagger-node-runner project.
Within package.json:
- Replace the reference to the npm swagger-hapi package with a reference to the current version of the npm defra-swagger-hapi-package.
- Upgrade the hapi dependency to ^17.0.0
Perform the upgrades documented by the original swagger-node-runner 0.6.0 or above if required by your project.
Migrate the bootstrap code in app.js to ensure compatibility with Hapi 17. For example,
'use strict'
var SwaggerHapi = require('swagger-hapi');
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var app = new Hapi.Server();
module.exports = app; // for testing
var config = {
appRoot: __dirname // required config
SwaggerHapi.create(config, function(err, swaggerHapi) {
if (err) { throw err; }
var port = process.env.PORT || 10010;
app.connection({ port: port });
app.address = function() {
return { port: port };
app.register(swaggerHapi.plugin, function(err) {
if (err) { return console.error('Failed to load plugin:', err); }
app.start(function() {
if (swaggerHapi.runner.swagger.paths['/hello']) {
console.log('try this:\ncurl' + port + '/hello?name=Scott');
could become
'use strict';
const SwaggerHapi = require('defra-swagger-hapi');
const Hapi = require('hapi');
const port = process.env.PORT || 10010;
const options = {
port: port
const app = new Hapi.Server(options)
module.exports = app // for testing
const config = {
appRoot: __dirname, // required config
SwaggerHapi.create(config, function (err, swaggerHapi) {
if (err) { throw err }
app.address = function () {
return { port: port };
async function init() {
try {'start', function() {
if (swaggerHapi.runner.swagger.paths['/hello']) {
console.log('try this:\ncurl' + port + '/hello?name=Scott');
await app.register(swaggerHapi.plugin);
await app.start();
} catch (err) {
return console.error('Failed to load plugin:', err)
If your bootstrap code has more reliance on legacy hapi.js code, please see the hapi.js website for guidance.
If non-bootstrap code requires migration to Hapi 17 please see the hapi.js website for guidance.
Forking the original swagger-node project to provide compatibility with Hapi 17 has been considered but decided against. If you need to create a new project compatible with Hapi 17, please use the original swagger-node project to generate the initial code base and then refactor the bootstrap code as for an existing project as described above.
If you have an idea you'd like to contribute please log an issue.
All contributions should be submitted via a pull request.
The following attribution statement MUST be cited in your products and applications when using this information.
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government license v3
The Open Government Licence (OGL) was developed by the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) to enable information providers in the public sector to license the use and re-use of their information under a common open licence.
It is designed to encourage use and re-use of information freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions.
In accordance with the MIT licencing terms of the original work on which this work is based, a copy of the original licence and copyright notice is included within the file ORIGINAL-LICENSE.