Python library for converting WMS images into geotiffs
- Run Anaconda/Miniconda and activate your environment or create a new one
- Install git and pip
conda install git pip
- Install wmsget with pip
pip install git+
- Clone the repository to a local path using git
git clone
- Install the package in your environment
pip install "path/to/wmsget"
The package has one purpose so it only has one primary function with a few additional supporting features.
Gets the bounding box of the input geometry, parses the required parameters and sends a request to the specified WMS server to retrieve an image. For large images it will query in chunks.
- geom (shapely.Polygon | shapely.MultiPolygon): Input geometry to calculate extent/bounding box from.
- url (str): HTTP(S) WMS address.
- layer (str): Layer name to query.
- crs (str): Coordinate/projection system name.
- res (int | float): Spatial resolution in georeferenced units.
- out_path (str | Path): Full output path.
- max_len (int, optional): Maximum axis length of a polygon, in pixels. If you experience persistent timeout errors try lowering this value. Defaults to 4000.
- padding (Tuple | int, optional): Minimum distance to pad each axis with, in georeferenced units. If int, both axes are padded by the same amount. Defaults to None.
- backend (str, optional): The backend package used to send the WMS request. One of:
- 'owslib' (default)
- 'urllib'
- tries (int, optional): Number of tries to attempt to request an image from the server. Defaults to 3.
Additional support functions may be used to retrieve the grid geometries and layer names for support WMS services.
Support services as of yet:
- Dataforsyningen, orthophotos:
wmsget.query_grid(grid, index=None) Query one of the supported grid systems to retrieve geometries.
- grid (str): Name of the grid system. One of:
- 'dk1'
- 'dk10'
- index (str | int | float, optional): Index for geometry in the grid. If None, returns the full grid. Defaults to None.
- Dataframe of grid geometries
Return type:
wmsget.get_layer_name(service, year, res=0.125, season='spring', bands='rgb')
Retrieve the layer name of a WMS service.
- service (str): Name of service. One of:
- 'dk',
- year (str | int): Year of imagery.
- res (int, optional): Spatial resolution of imagery in georeferenced units. Defaults to 0.125.
- season (str, optional): Season to query imagery for. This parameter is ignored if only one set of imagery is available per year. Defaults to 'spring'.
- bands (str, optional): Imagery band order. Either 'rgb' or 'cir', if available. Defaults to 'rgb'.
- WMS layer name.
Return type:
- str