This repository contains a modified version of the POSEIDON data augmentation tool, described by P. Ruiz-Ponce, D. Ortez-Perez, J. Garcia-Rodriguez, and B. Kiefer (2023) in POSEIDON: A Data Augmentation Tool for Small Object Detection Datasets in Maritime Environments. It is modified to augment the ShipRSImageNet dataset published by Z. Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, P. Feng and R. He.
The ShipRSImageNet dataset is avaialble in the GitHub repository published by the authors of the dataset. As the ShipRSImageNet dataset is licensed for only academic use, an augmented dataset using this tool is subject to the same restrictions of use. See the GitHub repository for the ShipRSImageNet dataset for more information.
The ShipRSImageNet devkit is useful for exploring the dataset, as are the various functions inside the
As this fork of POSEIDON is interested in dataset augmentation of a class of interest, rather than the complete balacing of an entire dataset, and considers particular needs for applying POSEIDON to the ShipRSImageNet dataset. The POSEIDON tool has been altered in several different ways to better suit this use case.
The modifications to the POSEIDON tool are as follows:
- Only a subset of images in the dataset are augmented using the method detailed by POSEIDON. These are specified as one of the inputs to this program. This was done to avoid potential issues that may arise from using POSEIDON on certain images without additional labeling of the original images, such as generated ships being placed on land. Docks are labeled in many parts of the ShipRSImageNet dataset, but land is not.
- Normalization is performed when inserting a new instance onto an existing image, based on the spatial resolution metadata included in many of the images in the ShipRSImageNet dataset. Additionally, the normalization method used is entirely different since resizing all images to match the lowest resolution of the images we are augmenting would not address the different spatial resolutions (meters/pixel resolution) across images and would also result in very low-resolution images, considering that 980 x 980 is the more common resolution in the dataset and lower resolutions are often around 350 x 350.
A more detailed explaination as to why these modifications were made can be found in the dataset exploration notebook, which further explores the ShipRSImageNet dataset and analyzes the potential issues that may arise from using POSEIDON on the dataset without these changes.
All the code involved in the actual dataset augmentation is contained in the poseidon
in the root of the repository is used to run the augmentation process.
Other python scripts in the root of the repository are used to explore the dataset and to help select images for augmentation. These are used in the process outlined in the dataset exploration Jupyter notebook.
All code in this repository expects the ShipRSImageNet dataset to be extracted to the root of the repository, such that the ShipRSImageNet_V1
folder is a sibling to the poseidon
This respository expects datasets to be stored in a folder called datasets
in the root of this repository (the directory is .gitignored). If you already have the ultralytics
package installed and have used the yolo
cli tool included with the package,
you may need to clear the datasets_dir
yolo config option. Run yolo cfg
to see if the datasets_dir
option is set, and if it is, unset it/delete it from the global settings.yml
used by the ultralytics package.
Additionally, the augmentation tool requires that the list of images to be augmented is in a file called selected_for_augmentation.txt
in the root of the repository. This file should contain the file names of the images to be augmented, one per line. See the dataset exploration notebook for information on how the images in this repository's selected_for_augmentation.txt
file were selected from the ShipRSImageNet dataset, the tools and techniques used to build this list of images to augment, and for information on factors that were considered in the selection of augmentation candidate images.
After the selected_for_augmentation.txt
file is created, the ShipRSImageNet dataset is extracted to the root of the repository, and dependencies are installed (see requirements.txt
), the code can be run by executing the
script in the root of the repository. To run this code using the same package versions that were used during the creation of this repository, use either requirements-frozen.txt
with pip and Python 3.8.10 (check requirements-frozen.txt
for install notes), or create a conda environment from environment.yml
on Ubuntu 20.04.
To view the augmented images, you can use the
script and pass the path to the augmented images dataset directory. Ex. python augmented_image_folder/
This repository includes dataset configs for the original ShipRSImageNet dataset, as well as augmented versions of the dataset in the yolo
directory. These are used to train and evaluate the YOLOv8 model on the original and augmented datasets. These dataset configs focus on testing a reduced number of classes. Most significantly is grouping together the warship classes since there are so many of them in the dataset, and the augmentation examples in this repository focus on augmenting the fishing vessel class.
script are included in the root of this repository for the purpose of evaluating the impact of the augmentation on the YOLOv8 model's performance on the ShipRSImageNet dataset. These scripts take a parameter that indicates which dataset to use for a given run, as well as other parameters that will be passed on to YOLO. Results will be saved in the usual directories that are created by YOLOv8.
All code in this repository is licensed under the license specified in the root-level LICENSE
file, unless otherwise specified in the file itself.