- To run the Dashboard, you need to launch the index.html file in your favourite browser (chrome recommended if you want to save the dashboard).
- Hit load FreeBoard and choose the file board.json located in the SavedBoard folder.
- You're done but you need the server to send some events to this Dashboard
- You need to install node.js on your machine
- Install socket.io ''' npm install socket.io'''
- Install ws ''' npm install ws'''
- launch the file located in the nodeServer folder ''' node plugin_node_sample_server.js'''
- You're done.
- Currently the server is connecting to a web socket to rerieve data and then send it to the dashboard. For test purpose you may want to directly generate random data on the server. Go on the plugin_node_sample_server.js file and modify the function called connetToExternalSources by commenting the first part of the function and uncommenting the second part ;)