This is an Open Trip Planner instance for transit routing in the city of Chicago
The idea is to make a free, Chicago-specific routing API for developers to build transit apps on top of.
curl --header "Accept: application/json" \
&optimize=QUICK \
&maxWalkDistance=840 \
&walkSpeed=1.341 \
&date=2013-08-13 \
&toPlace=41.823781%2C-87.613907 \
Open Trip Planner API call documentation
See the issue tracker for details.
- walking directions (included in OTP) done
- driving directions (included in OTP) done
- biking directions (included in OTP) done
- CTA bus and train tracker arrival data
- Divvy bike share station availability
- Metra arrival data
- Auto traffic data from buses
- Large event information (think "stay away from the lake front trail during the air show")
This project is based on the Open Trip Planner by OpenPlans.
Server hosting provided by the Smart Chicago Collaborative