This work is ongoing, and I plan to add features in the future. Feel free to share any requests! You can reach me via sebastian dot schirmer at dlr dot de or open an issue.
ROS 2 adapter for CISPA's RTLola monitoring interpreter.
The adapter assumes a running ROS 2 workspace, i.e., ros2 topic list
returns a list of topics that are currently executed. The adapter will then automatically generate RTLola input stream binding for all available topic data. If a topic called RTLolaOutput
is an available interace, i.e., RTLolaOutput
is returned by ros2 interface list
, it will also generate a binding to the respective RTLola outputs. If the service message RTLolaService
is in the same list, then RTLola will accept service requests and returns the immediate response of the monitor. Hence, the service request is interpreted as inputs and the responses need to match existing output streams. The response will use the immediate output values when forwarding the inputs. Hence, periodic output might not be updated.
ros2_config.toml allows you to freeze the binding by setting
Members of a ros2 topic are prefixed by the package name, i.e.,
. For instance, if the topicAdc
has a memberfloat32 a0
, then this member can be accessed by the RTLola specification usinginput adc__a0: Float32
For more RTLola information see here.
A comprehensive RTLola tutorial can be found here.
- source ROS 2
cd <path_repo>/test_ws
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run tester_publisher tester
cd <path_repo>/monitor
- fill out ros2_config.toml:
generate_file = true
if new bindings shall be generatedlocal_setup_script
should point to the ROS 2 overlay you want to generate bindings for
cargo run -- ../specs/test_spec.lola
- Sebastian Schirmer
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