Minesweeper Full video course Section: Introduction Minesweeper presentation Purpose of the course Github repository overview Creating a new repository Project init Pull request Code-style and Eslint Prettier Pull request Section: Typescript recap Typescript basic Parametric typing with generics Interfaces, Types and Union Unknown, never and Tuple UtilityTypes Pull request The TypeScript Handbook Minesweeper basic types Pull request Section: React intro Create React App Create React App JSX at Glance Introducing JSX JSX compilation Introducing the New JSX Transform Props and conditional rendering Ecma TC39 and Babel What is Babel? TC39 Webpack intro Webpack Getting Started Webpack dev server React intro examples pull request Section: Jest, TDD and basic game logic Jest testing framework (TDD vs TLD) Pull request Jest Jest and TDD Field generator part1, part2, part3, part4 (Basic game functionality) Pull request Pull request2 VSCode debug configuration Debug basic game logic config for vscode Section: Storybook and Components Library Library Emotion for css-in-js Emotion docs Minesweeper codepen Pull request Styled components API Storybook intro Strybook docs Create components with Storybook Components composition Pull request Chromatic for visual testing Pull request List and Keys Pull request Section: React Hooks intro useState Pull request Dynamic components with useState Hook Pull request Testing-library for ReactJS components Jest-dom Testing-library How to use React Testing Library Tutorial Pull request Fragment Fragments Pull request Cell component part1 Cell component part2 Cell component part3 Cell component tests Custom hooks Game Field (grid) component Components library review Pull request useDebugValue Pull request Section: Code quality, app deploy and CI/CD Test coverage report Test quality tool Stryker-Mutator Pull request Snapshot testing Githooks and Husky Pull request AWS Amplify deploy CI/CD with Github Actions Pull request Pull request2 Pull request3 Fix jobs for CI Pull request Section: React hooks and react testing library Static game Pull request Game logic Pull request Components refactoring and update dependencies Pull request useState and player field generator Testing library user-event Pull request Generate game field and open cell handler Test player field generator Debug session and useMemo Click to the cell test cases Reset game by TDD Pull request Section: Game Hook Create game over behavior by TDD Pull request Game custom hook Pull request Test refactoring Pull request Set flag action Pull request Solved puzzle detector Create win game state handler Add test cases for win state Pull request Section: useEffect and useCallback useEffect Pull request Game timer and useEffect Pull request Bombs counter Pull request Refactoring and update dependencies Pull request Test reports and refactoring session Test reports and refactoring session2 Pull request Refactoring useGame Refactoring useGame 2 Pull request RDT profiler and React.memo + useCallback intro React.memo + useCallback optimization Pull request Stryker disable mutants Pull request Section: React-Router What is URL? ReactRouter and Webpack-Dev-Server URL Params Pull request Redux intro Pure functions benifits slides Pull request Referential transparency Pull request Redux basic example Pull request Game module by TDD (Ducks) Pull request Game module by TDD with createSlice Game module by TDD with createSlice 2 Pull request useReducer Pull request Minesweeper with Redux React-Redux Pull request Global store benifits and redux-dev-tools Redux middlewares Pull request Refactoring with Stryker Pull request Fix timer Pull request Update dependencies Pull request Canvas and Ref Pull request Bundle optimization React.lazy Pull request