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Utility for arcade cabinets to display game marquees, score and animations on a DMD device.


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DOF2DMD logo

DOF2DMD is a small utility for arcade cabinets to display game marquees, score and animations on a real or emulated DMD device.

It covers the following use cases:

  • Starting the game: showing the game marquee
  • Score: showing the score for 1 up to 4 players with diferent layouts depending of the number of players
  • Events: showing images, videos or gif animations based on events in the game (eg shooting down a plane in 1942 will trigger an explosion)
  • Text: showing text with diferent fonts, sizes and animations based on events

DOF2DMD offers a simple HTTP API (see API) to display pictures, animations and scores.

One big use case is to interface DOFLinx and its modified version of MAME from DDH69 to get the DMD to show animations while playing MAME.

Here is how it looks like with an emulated DMD (using Freezy DMD extensions):


DOF2DMD relies on FlexDMD, which itself uses Freezy DMD extensions



  • Download and install dotnet 8 "Runtime desktop" from Microsoft:

  • Download DOF2DMD from Release section, create a folder and extract the content of the archive in this folder

  • Tweak settings.ini if needed:

    ; Settings for DOF2DMD
    ; The base URL that DOF2DMD will listen to. Defaults to
    ; DO NOT COMMENT OUT, as DOFLinx reads settings.ini to determine where to send requests to
    ; Display the score for x seconds, then back to marquee. Defaults to 5 seconds.
    ; Verbose output in debug.log file if debug=true. Defaults to false.
    ; Path of the artwork (relative to DOF2DMD or absolute). Defaults to "artwork"
    ; Width in pixels for DMD. Defaults to 128
    ; Height in pixels for DMD. Defaults to 32
    ; Picture to display when DOF2DMD starts. Defaults to DOF2DMD (that is artwork/DOF2DMD.png or DOF2DMD.gif)
    ;Activate the autoshow of the Scoreboard or Marquee after using a call
    ; Not implemented ---
  • Launch DOF2DMD

  • You should see the DOF2DMD logo, either on a Virtual DMD, or real DMD if you have configured DmdDevice.ini

  • If using DOFLinx for MAME

    • Install DOFLinx - see DOFLinx setup for DOF2DMD
    • Get modified MAME version
    • Launch DOFLinx (should be at startup if you are on an Arcade cabinet).
    • Launch your MAME game. The modified version of MAME will communicate with DOFLinx, which in turn will trigger API calls to DOF2DMD.
  • Enjoy!


The images and animations must be in the artwork folder (by default in the DOF2DMD path under the artwork folder).


I provide a basic set of artwork, so that you can test and start editing DOFLINX's .MAME files. You probably need more artwork. I created a tool which may help - see artwork4DMD. In addition, there is a pack you can download, and more you can buy from Neo-Arcadia. If you own a PixelCade, then you are entitled to a massive pixel perfect DMD artwork library. To create your own artwork, you can use a Pixel Art tool or Gif editor, like aseprite. There are example aseprite files in the ingame.src folder.


DOF2DMD is a server listening to simple http request. Once it has started, you can use the following :

  • [url_prefix]/v1/display/picture?path=<image or video path>&animation=<fade|ScrollRight|ScrollLeft|ScrollUp|ScrollDown|None>&duration=<seconds>&queue
    Display an image, gif animation or video.
    • path: The file path of the image or video to be displayed
    • duration:
      • 0: picture will be displayed indefinitely, and animation will be displayed for the duration of the video or animation.
      • 0: picture or animation will be displayed for the specified time in seconds

      • <0: picture or animation will be looped indefinitely
    • animation: The animation applied to the scene fade|ScrollRight|ScrollLeft|ScrollUp|ScrollDown|None
    • queue: If present, the image will be queued to be displayed after the current image is finished. If not present, the current image will be replaced immediately by the new one
  • [url_prefix]/v1/display/score?players=<number of players>&player=<active player>&score=<score>&cleanbg=<true|false>
    Display a score board using a layout from 1 to 4 players and credits**
    • players: the number of players for score layout. Optional, default 1
    • player: the highlighted player
    • score: The score value to be displayed for active player
    • credits: Credits inserted in the game. Optional
    • cleanbg: Clean the active screen (when not cleaned the score will showed over the current image/animation
  • [url_prefix]/v1/display/scorebackground?path=<image or video path>
    Add an image, gif animation or video as background on the Score board.
    • path: The file path of the image or video to be displayed/added to de Score Board
  • [url_prefix]/v1/blank This endpoint clears or blanks the display
  • [url_prefix]/v1/exit This endpoint exits or closes the application
  • [url_prefix]/v1/version This endpoint returns the version information of the application
  • [url_prefix]/v1/loopstop This endpoint stops an active infinite scroll text
  • [url_prefix]/v1/display/text?text=<text>?size=XS|S|M|L|XL&color=<hex color>&font=<font>&bordercolor=<hex color>&bordersize=<0|1>&cleanbg=<true|false>&animation=<ScrollRight|ScrollLeft|ScrollUp|ScrollDown|None>&duration=<seconds>&loop=<true|false>
    Display some text with or without animation
    • text: The text to be displayed (the text can be split into multiple lines using | as a separator)
    • size: The size of the text (Extra Small (XS), Small (S), Medium (M), Large (L) or Extra Large (XL))
    • color: The color of the text in hexadecimal format (for example: color=FFFFFF)
    • font: The font family to be used for the text (Bitmap Font file, there are some samples on resources folder, only is needed to use the Font name before the _ symbol. For example: Matrix or BTTF)
    • bordercolor: The color of the text border in hexadecimal format (for example: color=FFAAFF)
    • bordersize: The size of the text border (0 or 1)
    • cleanbg: Clean the active screen (when not cleaned the text will showed over the current image/animation
    • animation: Text animation. ScrollRight|ScrollLeft|ScrollUp|ScrollDown|None
    • duration: time to present the text in the DMD (If an animation is selected, the screen will remain black once the animation ends if the time is longer than the animation itself. If the time is -1 in none text animation, it will be permanent, using -1 in another animation presents a black screen)
    • loop: enable text scroll infinite loop
  • [url_prefix]/v1/display/advanced?path=<image or video path>&text=<text>?size=XS|S|M|L|XL&color=<hex color>&font=<font>&bordercolor=<hex color>&bordersize=<0|1>&cleanbg=<true|false>&animationin=<FadeIn|FadeOut|ScrollOffRight|ScrollOffLeft|ScrollOnLeft|ScrollOnRight|ScrollOffUp|ScrollOffDown|ScrollOnUp|ScrollOnDown|FillFadeIn|FillFadeOut|None>&animationout=<FadeIn|FadeOut|ScrollOffRight|ScrollOffLeft|ScrollOnLeft|ScrollOnRight|ScrollOffUp|ScrollOffDown|ScrollOnUp|ScrollOnDown|FillFadeIn|FillFadeOut|None>&duration=<seconds>
    Advanced display with animations. Text with or without background picture/video/animated gif or picture/video/animated gif can be used
    • text: The text to be displayed (the text can be split into multiple lines using | as a separator)
    • path: The file path of the image or video to be displayed
    • size: The size of the text (Extra Small (XS), Small (S), Medium (M), Large (L) or Extra Large (XL))
    • color: The color of the text in hexadecimal format (for example: color=FFFFFF)
    • font: The font family to be used for the text (Bitmap Font file, there are some samples on resources folder, only is needed to use the Font name before the _ simbol. For example: Matrix or BTTF)
    • bordercolor: The color of the text border in hexadecimal format (for example: color=FFAAFF)
    • bordersize: The size of the text border (0 or 1)
    • cleanbg: Clean the active screen (when not cleaned the text will showed over the current image/animation
    • animationin: Display animation: FadeIn|FadeOut|ScrollOffRight|ScrollOffLeft|ScrollOnLeft|ScrollOnRight|ScrollOffUp|ScrollOffDown|ScrollOnUp|ScrollOnDown|FillFadeIn|FillFadeOut|None
    • animationout: Display animation: FadeIn|FadeOut|ScrollOffRight|ScrollOffLeft|ScrollOnLeft|ScrollOnRight|ScrollOffUp|ScrollOffDown|ScrollOnUp|ScrollOnDown|FillFadeIn|FillFadeOut|None
    • duration: time to present the scene in the DMD (If an animation is selected, the screen will remain black once the animation ends if the time is longer than the animation itself. If the time is -1, it will be permanent)

Use in DOFLinx

To generate effects, DOFLinx uses .MAME files located in DOFLinx's MAME folder. DOFLinx can communicate with DOF2DMD, using DOFLinx FF_DMD command. The FF_DMD command can call any of the DOF2DMD APIs.

DOFLinx.ini file

Here is a minimal DOFLinx.ini file which will work with DOF2DMD:

# location of your files and systems
COLOUR_FILE=<DOFLinx path>\config\colours.ini
DIRECTOUTPUTGLOBAL=<DOFLinx path>\config\GlobalConfig_b2sserver.xml
MAME_FOLDER=<MAME executable path (note: it must be DOFLinx modified MAME version)>

# When to activate, and more specifically what is the MAME process to kick things off

PATH_DOF2DMD=<location of DOF2DMD executable and settings.ini>


  • PATH_DOF2DMD: the location of DOF2DMD executable and settings.ini
  • MAME_FOLDER: MAME executable path which must be DOFLinx's modified version of MAME

Embedded commands

DOFLinx will generate the following commands automatically:

  • When starting DOFLinx:
    • http://<host:port>/v1/version - to check that DOF2DMD is up. DOFLinx will attempt to start it otherwise.
    • http://<host:port>/v1/display/picture?path=mame/DOFLinx - to display the DOFLinx welcome picture
  • When starting a game:
    • http://<host:port>/v1/display/picture?path=mame/<rom-name>&duration=<duration>&animation=<animation> - to display a PNG for the marquee
  • When playing a game:
    • http://<host:port>/v1/display/score?player=<active player>&score=<score>&cleanbg=<true|false> - to display score of the given player
    • http://<host:port>/v1/display/score?players=<number of players>&player=<active player>&score=<score>&cleanbg=<true|false>&credits=<credits> - to display score of the given player inidicating the score board layout based on the number of players
  • When closing DOFLinx:
    • http://<host:port>/v1/display/score?player=1&score=0 - reset score to 0
    • http://<host:port>/v1/blank - to clear the DMD (goes to black)
    • http://<host:port>/v1/exit - to instruct DOF2DMD to exit cleanly

Syntax of FF_DMD DOFLinx command

To add effects like showing animations or text during the game, you must insert the FF_DMD command in the <rom>.MAME file which corresponds to the game.

FF_DMD,U,<DOF2DMD API CALL without host nor /v1/ prefix>
  • FF_DMD is the command
  • U is for a user command (DOFLinx specific)
  • Then the URI to call DOF2DMD without host nor /v1/ prefix

Examples :

  • Display the ingame bonus animation artwork/ingame/bonus.gif : FF_DMD,U,display/picture?path=ingame/bonus&duration=0&animation=none
  • Display a static picture artwork/mame/pacman.png : FF_DMD,U,display/picture?path=mame/pacman&duration=-1
  • Display an animated Gif if it exists or falls back to png : artwork/mame/pacman.gif : FF_DMD,U,display/picture?path=mame/pacman&duration=-1

Check the .MAME files included in DOFLinx, which already contain FF_DMD commands.


Once DOF2DMD is started, you can use your browser to test it:

or use the demo.ps1 and demo2.ps1 PowerShell script.

Frontends plugin

  • A plugin for Attract-Mode which interfaces with DOF2DMD to show systems, game marquees and info when browsing games is done and can found in Attract/DMDPlayer


Here is what I plan to implement :

  • API calls which are not implemented yet
  • Everything missing from the settings.ini
  • A plugin for Launch box / big box which interfaces with DOF2DMD to show systems and game marquees when browsing games (partially implemented)

💬 Questions and support

I count on the Pinball and Arcade community to help each other through the GitHub discussions. I will be there too.

Thank you

Thanks to

  • @ojacques for creating the first version of this project
  • DDH69 for DOFLinx, MAME for DOFLinx, and his support in this project. Think of 💲donating to DDH69 to support his work.
  • Pixelcade team who inspired me in implementing something for my ZeDMD, including support for other DMDs. Please, check them out, I am told their DMDs are top notch, multiple sizes, and if you own one of them, there is a ton of artwork available.
  • The creator of ZeDMD - Zedrummer, which is a nice and cheap DMD. You can buy ZeDMD in multiple places.
  • Everyone at Monte Ton Cab (FR) - what a welcoming community!


Utility for arcade cabinets to display game marquees, score and animations on a DMD device.







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