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I. Claiming v4 Coins User Guide

Kris edited this page Dec 9, 2024 · 11 revisions

Before the launch of DMD v4 mainnet, a snapshot block for DMD v3 will be created. The announcement of the block will happen at least 2 weeks in advance. The snapshot will happen around 1 week before launch of mainnet. During this time, all exchanges supporting DMD v4 will halt deposits and withdrawals.

To make the claiming process easier, users should consolidate their DMD v3 coins into fewer addresses. Each address must be claimed separately, so if you hold funds across 10 addresses, you’ll need to claim them 10 times. Manual claiming can only be done for coins held in a DMDv3 wallet, where you have access to the linked private keys.

Coins held on exchanges can only be claimed by the exchange itself. Users should verify whether their exchange supports the v3 to v4 process and whether they will distribute v4 coins based on the user’s v3 exchange balance. Additionally, after the snapshot block, exchanges may choose to continue supporting DMD v3, but the development team will no longer provide support for v3. Any events occurring after the snapshot block will not impact DMD distribution or claimability on v4.

I.1 Important information

  1. Set up a wallet that can accept DMDv4. Any Ethereum-compatible wallet can accept DMDv4.
  2. V3 coins have 1to1 value to V4 coins, so for every 1 DMD from the version 3 you will get 1 DMD from the version 4.
  3. You need to connect a DMD v4 address to interact with the dapp, but it is not necessary to claim to the wallet from which you’ve logged in. Please note, that we highly recommend to make sure, that you have access to the wallet you claim the coins to, and you control the DMD movement. It is possible to claim from different wallet v3 addresses to different v4 address for the single user if there is a necessity.
  4. We recommend copying the v4 address you want to claim to from the wallet manager in order to avoid differences in the address formats and case-sensitive aspect.
  5. Claimable balance is more than 1 DMD, if you have less, you can’t claim the coins.
  6. After the transition, the Diamond DMD team will no longer provide any support for the DMDv3 blockchain. DMDv3 is open source, so it is feasible for anyone who wishes to maintain the legacy code to do so. To eliminate inactive users and lost coins, there will be a claiming period under which your DMDv4 coins need to be claimed in order not to return to the pool of coins. The link to the Claiming roadmap.
  7. Claiming UI supports Metamask native wallet, Walletconnect, Brave and Coinbase wallets. To view your balance in DMD instead of USD in Metamask, navigate to Settings -> General and enable the 'Show native token as main balance' checkbox.

I.2 Claiming steps

  1. Open your v3 Diamond wallet.


  1. Unlock it and choose File->Sign message.


  1. The sign message is opened; click on the icon to choose the v3 address you want to claim from.


  1. Choose the address from the list and add it.


  1. Enter the standard claiming message we’ve created for the purpose. Testnet message: I want to claim my DMD Diamond V4 coins for the Testnet to the following address: [your v4 address] IMPORTANT: The final mainnet message to be used for claiming DMD will be announced by the dev team. Please do not try to claim before the announcement. The message on the screenshot is an example only. Inside the message text, you need to paste your v4 address where you want to receive the coins. Don’t forget to copy it from your wallet management system.


  1. After the v3 address and the message are filled in, click ‘Sign message’ button below.


  1. You will get a Signature, that looks something like that'ILEUV2WruYCbyXv5ZDS9kwltkv58T/ueIo0hjMfn8IojCsaGJOik+RYOI26Fnr9/NWUA7aQlkS64Y7WXXCGV/qI='.


IMPORTANT: We can process all Signatures that start with ‘I’. If your signature starts with another letter, please try again with adding a letter or a number at the end of the message. You can also use another v4 address inside the message text (be sure you have access to it). After you’ve changed the message, please click ‘Sign message’ once again. You need to do it several times (changing the message text with the postfix) till you receive the signature started with ‘I’.

  1. Do not close the v3 wallet, as the exact copy of the message and the signature is needed to claim the coins.

  2. To be able to perform claiming you need a tiny amount of DMD on your Metamask v4 address, please follow the link to get it:

  3. Open the claiming tool. Link: IMPORTANT: The guide includes screenshots of the previous UI design, which has since been updated to a new appearance. However, the functionality remains unchanged, so the guide is still applicable.

  4. Enter your v3 wallet address from which you want to claim. Previously, you have already signed a message from the wallet.


  1. Check the claimable balance you have. Please note that the amounts below 1 DMD are not claimable. The app shows an error message in case if the claimable amount is below 1 DMD or in case if you have already claimed from the wallet.


  1. Enter your v4 address, which was specified in the message you’ve signed from v3 wallet (the one with correctly generated signature started with 'I'). Please note, if the address is in incorrect format, you will get the error message like this:


  1. You can see 2 inputs opened with the message to be checked and a signature to be provided.


  1. Check the message if it is the same as the message from the v3 wallet client you’ve signed. Please be sure that it contains all the symbols and corresponds to the message you have in the opened v3 wallet. If not - please correct it manually by coping it from the v3 wallet and pasting to claiming tool. You need to copy it, not to add the postfix as additional line, because the hidden symbols matter for the claiming tool.


  1. Enter the signature copied from the v3 wallet, which was obtained on the ‘Sign signature’ step, please check the rules from the point 7, so that the signature meets the requirements (starts from 'I', if not - return back to point 7).


If it doesn’t meet them, the app shows an error message:


  1. Connect your wallet to proceed with the claiming.


  1. Click ‘Claim’ to finish the DMD coins claiming from the v3 to v4 wallet. If all the fields are populated correctly, you will see the wallet pop-up window to confirm the transaction.


  1. After transaction confirmation, you will see the success pop-up with the claimed amount. The transaction link shows the transaction in the Blockscout. Please check your v4 wallet for the updated balance. You can proceed with other wallets to claim if it is necessary.

