- Avoir un cluster kubernetes
- Installer helm
Pour installer ArgoCD il suffit de lancer les commandes suivantes :
kubectl create namespace argocd
helm repo add argo https://argoproj.github.io/argo-helm
helm install my-argo-cd argo/argo-cd --version 7.6.8 -n argocd
kubectl create namespace airflow
kubectl apply -f ./infrastructure/application.yaml -n argocd
You will an ssh key to access the dags that are github.
Then create the secret for airflow to access your github repo:
kubectl create secret generic airflow-ssh-key --from-file=gitSshKey=airflow_key -n airflow
Add the key to the GitHub repo: - Settings → Deploy keys → Add Deploy Key. - Check "Allow write access" .
kubectl create namespace airflow
kubectl apply -f ./airflow/application.yaml -n argocd