Codebase accompanying the paper OGMP: Oracle Guided Multimodal Policies for Agile and Versatile Robot Control. For support please raise an issue here or contact the authors.
Make a virtual environment,
python3 -m venv ogmp_env
source ogmp_env/bin/activate
Clone the repo,
git clone --depth 1
To install the dependencies, run:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install old version of torch (new may work but is not tested)
pip3 install torch==1.13.0+cpu --extra-index-url
tested in python 3.8.10
To test the policy in paper, for each task, run
# for best parkour policy
python3 --tstng_conf_path ./exp_confs/parkour_test.yaml --render_onscreen
# for best dive policy
python3 --tstng_conf_path ./exp_confs/dive_test.yaml --render_onscreen
Similarly to train the best policy from the paper, run
# for parkour
python3 --exp_conf_path ./exp_confs/parkour.yaml --recurrent --logdir ./logs/
# for dive
python3 --exp_conf_path ./exp_confs/dive.yaml --recurrent --logdir ./logs/
To run the analyses from the paper, run
# for the sample mean of agility metrics and in-domain paramters
python3 analysis/
# for LMSR on flat ground
python3 analysis/
# for LMSR at transition
python3 analysis/
The corresponding config file for each analyisis is in ./exp_confs/
folder. All the analyses files deploy multiprocessing, where each process will have a copy of a lstm policy and hence could be intensive. Set nop
as per your system's capability to minimize time (default is 3 tested in a 32 Core, 64 GB RAM machine). Resulting plots and logs will be saved in ./results/<experiment_name>/<variant_id>
- algos: contains the custom ppo implementation from link
- analysis: contains the code for analysis presenteed in the paper
- nn: contains the custom torch neural network (FF and LSTM), policy, critic implementation from link
- logs: contains the training logs, policies and encoders.
- dtsd: contains the environments
- exp_confs: contains the experiment configuration files for training and testing.
- file to train policies.
- file to test policies.
If you find this code useful, consider citing:
title={OGMP: Oracle Guided Multimodal Policies for Agile and Versatile Robot Control},
author={Lokesh Krishna and Nikhil Sobanbabu and Quan Nguyen},