A simple GUI and Kafka front-end to generate chemical hazard sources, and display its output.
The application is a mono-repository, developed in TypeScript using Nest.js for the server, and Mithril for the GUI. It consists of the following packages:
- Server: to POST new chemical hazard sources to Kafka and GET chemical hazard clouds as GeoJSON from Kafka.
- GUI: to enter new source definitions and show the resulting cloud.
- Shared: shared models
To get the application and all its subservices started you need to follow these steps:
- Clone all the TNO services, next to the current folder (so above the current directory):
cd ..
git clone git@ci.tno.nl:libraries/python/python-common.git
git clone git@ci.tno.nl:reinier-sterkenburg/projects/assistance/dispersion.git
git clone git@ci.tno.nl:reinier-sterkenburg/projects/assistance/gps-tracking.git
git clone git@ci.tno.nl:reinier-sterkenburg/projects/assistance/webservice.git
git clone git@ci.tno.nl:reinier-sterkenburg/projects/assistance/meteowebservice.git
You should now have the following folder structure:
|- TypeScript code for the server and GUI
|- README.md (the one you're reading)
|- docker/
|- etc....
|- Common python functions
|- etc...
|- Dispersion calculation core
|- etc...
|- GPS server and forwarder
|- sas_forwarder/
|- traccar/
|- etc...
|- REST interface to the dispersion calculation
|- REST service for meteo data
- Now run docker-compose to start all services with the correct configuration:
cd docker
docker-compose up -d
The GUI will then be available at localhost:3333.
Refer to the README file in the docker
folder for more information on what all the different services do.
To run the node parts of this repository separately (i.e. without the Kafka infrastructure) you can run:
# If you don't have pnpm installed, you can install it using `npm i -g pnpm`
pnpm multi install
npm start
This installs the npm packages, their dependencies and then starts the server, gui and shared applications.
If you want to have the underlying Kafka infrastructure you need to run the docker-compose
command above, but first comment out the chemical_hazard_tool service such that docker does not start it in parllel to npm.
Otherwise the chemical hazard tool is started twice (once as a docker image, once by npm
) which creates port conflicts and confusing issues.
Assuming the project is running using npm start
, you can access:
- The GUI at http://localhost:1234.
- OpenAPI (Swagger) interface at http://localhost:3333/api.
- OpenAPI configuration file at http://localhost:3333/api-json.
- The server at http://localhost:3333
The chemical hazard source is defined in packages/server/schemas/cbrn/chemical_hazard.avsc
You can run npm run convert
to update the TypeScript interface definition.