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Releases: DS-Homebrew/hiyaCFW


03 Jan 01:25
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To update, run TWLMagician, which will fix the free space bug.

All changes by @R-YaTian

What's new?

  • TWLCFG is no longer reset when changing the region.
  • Dummy file is no longer created.

Bug fix

  • Version number should be visible again in the config menu.


31 Mar 03:46
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To update:

  • If you're using v1.5.0, replace hiya.dsi on the SD root, with the one from the 7z file, in for SDNAND SD card.
  • If you're using v1.4.1 or prior, re-run hiyaCFW Helper.

Bug fix

  • Changing the region on a JPN NAND will no longer cause touch input to not work!
    • This is achieved by clearing the TWLCFG files, which as a result, will cause the system settings to reset.
    • If the issue is still occurring, change the region to a different one, save, reboot, and then switch back.


30 Jan 01:45
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To update, re-run hiyaCFW Helper.

What's new?

  • RSA checking for /sys/HWINFO_S.dat has been patched out. This means the region can now be changed (for JPN, USA, EUR, and AUS NANDs), as well as NAND backups from any console now useable!
    • If you get Error: 1-2435-8325, the bootloader has not been updated with the new patch. If you have not re-run hiyaCFW Helper, please do so in order for the patch to take effect.
  • hiyaCFW will no longer function if SD card is write-locked.

Known bugs

  • Changing the region on a JPN NAND will cause touch input to not function.
  • When using ntrboot, modcrypted DSiWare apps are not launchable. Non-modcrypted applications are still launchable, such as homebrew (ex. TWiLight Menu++). This may be fixed in the future, either by hiyaCFW or an ntrboot .gcd file.


26 Aug 17:32
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To update, just replace hiya.dsi on the SD root, with the one from the 7z file, in for SDNAND SD card.

Changes by @Epicpkmn11


  • Improved GIF splash screen compatibility.

Bug fix

  • Fixed free space under 20MiB causing data management to appear.

Hacktober (2020) release

22 Oct 06:35
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To update, just replace hiya.dsi on the SD root, with the one from the 7z file, in for SDNAND SD card.

What's new?

  • (@Epicpkmn11) Automatic dummy file creation has been added, so goodbye stock error screen!
    • NOTE: If it's still shown for you, then the SDNAND contents are probably corrupt.
  • (@Epicpkmn11) Added animated GIF splash support.
  • (@Epicpkmn11) Added RGB565 BMP support.
  • A lockout message will now show, when launching on DS consoles or in DS mode.


05 Mar 07:17
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UPDATE 3/8/2020: CHN Launcher .tmd has been added. (thanks to @R-YaTian)
UPDATE 3/31/2020: KOR Launcher .tmd has been added, as well as a new launcher patch for KOR, and an updated patch for CHN Launcher that fixes touch screen input! (thanks to @R-YaTian)

To update, just replace hiya.dsi on the SD root, with the one from the 7z file, in for SDNAND SD card.

What's new?

  • You can now have both top and bottom splash screens!
    Call the .bmp files splashTop.bmp and splashBottom.bmp, and put them in sd:/hiya/.
  • If the Launcher .tmd is detected as larger than 0x208 bytes, the extra data will be trimmed out.
  • The blue and red colors have been added to the config menu!
  • Robz8 has been changed to RocketRobz.

Known bug

  • When (custom) splash is enabled, after exiting config, the splash screen has some partially overlapping tiles.


05 Jun 23:29
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UPDATE 8/31/2019: Added .ips patch for Chinese iQue consoles! Note that touch input does not work.
UPDATE 11/6/2018: Renamed bootcode.dsi to hiya.dsi for Unlaunch 1.8 (and later).
UPDATE 6/6/2018: Added AUS Launcher .tmd.
UPDATE 7/5/2018: Added Unlaunch 0.9 compatible bootcode.dsi


bootcode.dsi has been updated for HiyaCFW to work on latest Unlaunch! As of Unlaunch 0.9, Unlaunch now loads arm9 binary in a similar manner to official software. This means we can't skip loading something to the area reserved for arm9's decrypted secure area in arm9 ram. I've added a bootstub to arm9 binary and loaded the arm9 binary to a higher ram address (the bootstub moves it back minus the blank secure area data) to get around the issue.

Hopefully at some point in the near future we can just have it compile to use a slightly higher entry point in arm9 ram so we don't have to use a bootstub post compile. We'll probably wait until the next Unlaunch update to determine if we need to do this or not.

What's new?

  • Now checks for the size of Launcher's .tmd.
    If it bigger than 0x208 bytes (can be caused by having Unlaunch in the .tmd), a message will be shown, saying to replace it with a clean one.
  • EUR and JPN Launcher .tmds now bundled!
  • Now reads bootloader.nds from the hiya folder.
    If you have bootloader.nds on the SD card root, please move it into the hiya folder.


09 May 17:27
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UPDATE 5/16/2018: Fixed patch for JAP/KOR Launcher now included!

Bug fixes

  • DSi Splash, if enabled, is now only shown on boot, instead of every soft-reset.
  • DSi Splash setting no longer makes DSi Menu appear, if set to autoboot a title.

File changed

  • bootcode.dsi


09 May 17:07
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Released 5/8/2018

What's new?

  • In preparation for SRLoader's next version that can serve as a DSi Menu replacement, and can launch installed DSiWare via Launcher, title autobooting has been added!
    If a file containing title data, called autoboot.bin exists in sd:/hiya/. Launcher will read the data, and boot into the title, instead of showing the DSi Menu.
    Next SRLoader version will either have the feature to create the SRLoader autoboot.bin, or have the file bundled.

File changed

  • bootcode.dsi


03 May 20:44
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What's new?/Bug fix

  • Soft-resetting into titles now work (again)!
    You are no longer back into HOME Menu when trying to soft-reset into DSiWare titles (ex. L+R+START+SELECT in WarioWare Touched and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin/Dark conflict, DSiWare versions).

Files changed

  • bootcode.dsi
  • Bootloader: Includes .ips patch to update bootloader.nds, if you already have the .nds file.