Developer Student Clubs are completely non-profitable university based community groups for students interested in Google developer technologies. Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs with an interest in growing as a developer are welcome. By joining a DSC, students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions for local businesses and their community. DSC RRU was established in August, 2020 at Rashtriya Raksha University campus for School of Information Technology and Cyber Security. The official website under Google Developer’s DSC can be found HERE and the website under the Club can be found HERE
- Online sessions on students interested topics
- Weekly meetups to have a count on the work and monthly meet with experts to get suggestions
- Have an Open source contribution month to learn and contribute in open source projects
- Weekly/Bi-weekly contests of competitive programing to strengthen coding skills
- Hands-on workshops
- Work on projects throughout the year on to-be-decide problem statements
- Collaborate with different industries or organisations or platforms to bring real world experience for peers
- Aim to represent RRU by participating in Google Solution Challenge 2021 by solving local community problems with particular Terms & Conditions.
- Teach technical skills in terms of developing through coding
- Last but most awaited one, to arrange one DevFest or GDG event in RRU
This project is build by students of this Developers Student Club Rashtriya Raksha University Chapter