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The repository for the CFD Simulation case of a liquid fuel pintle-injector rocket engine conducted using the open-source CFD software, OpenFOAM.

Stability Analysis of a Liquid-Fuel Pintle Injector

Professor: Dr. Pavel Popov

Master's Student: Matthew Coleman

A Master's Program Thesis Project through San Diego State University

Project Start Date: 09/2020

Project Finish Date: TBD


This project uses the open-source CFD software OpenFOAM-8 in order to solve the case. This code can be found at

How to Run

With OpenFOAM-8 installed and the repository cloned locally onto the system, there are several execuatble files to help manage the case:

Case Set-Up

makeMesh creates the mesh using blockMesh, as well as sets up the chemistry properties and merges blocks on the mesh.

Running the Case

./Allrun runs through the makeMesh executable followed by running the case using the sprayFoam solver. This version is for serial-execution.

./Allrun-background Same as Allrun except executes the solver in the background.

./Allrun-parallel Parallel-Execution for the solver.

./Allrun-FERMI_parallel Parallel-Execution for the solver on the FERMI supercomputer provided by San Diego State University.

batchScriptSmol144 The batch script used for running the parallel-execution case on FERMI.

During Execution

./followSprayLog uses tail to follow the output of the log.sprayfoam file while the solver is in the background.

./followFERMI same as above except follows the output of the FERMI node.

After Execution

./Reconstruct If ran in parallel, this command with reconstruct the decomposed mesh after the solver has finished.

Case Clean-Up

./Allclean Deletes time-stamp folders and cleans up the case for running again.


Research Project by an SDSU Grad Student






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