The repository for the CFD Simulation case of a liquid fuel pintle-injector rocket engine conducted using the open-source CFD software, OpenFOAM.
Professor: Dr. Pavel Popov
Master's Student: Matthew Coleman
A Master's Program Thesis Project through San Diego State University
Project Start Date: 09/2020
Project Finish Date: TBD
This project uses the open-source CFD software OpenFOAM-8 in order to solve the case. This code can be found at
With OpenFOAM-8 installed and the repository cloned locally onto the system, there are several execuatble files to help manage the case:
Case Set-Up
creates the mesh using blockMesh, as well as sets up the chemistry properties and merges blocks on the mesh.
Running the Case
runs through the makeMesh executable followed by running the case using the sprayFoam solver. This version is for serial-execution.
Same as Allrun except executes the solver in the background.
Parallel-Execution for the solver.
Parallel-Execution for the solver on the FERMI supercomputer provided by San Diego State University.
The batch script used for running the parallel-execution case on FERMI.
During Execution
uses tail to follow the output of the log.sprayfoam file while the solver is in the background.
same as above except follows the output of the FERMI node.
After Execution
If ran in parallel, this command with reconstruct the decomposed mesh after the solver has finished.
Case Clean-Up
Deletes time-stamp folders and cleans up the case for running again.