This plugin is to control ITead Sonoff devices that have been flashed with Sonoff-Tasmota via web calls.
Requires minimum Tasmota firmware version 5.11.0.
Single relay devices need to use 1 for index.
Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL:
Once installed go into settings and enter the ip address for your TP-Link Smartplug device. Adjust additional settings as needed.
- Device
- The ip or hostname of tasmota device.
- Index
- Index number reprensenting the relay to control. Leave blank for single relay devices.
- Icon
- Icon class name from the fontawesome library.
- Label
- Title attribute on icon that shows on mouseover.
- Username
- Username to connect to web interface. Currently not configurable in Tasmota, use the default username admin.
- Password
- Password configured for Web Admin Portal of Tasmota device.
- Warn
- The left checkbox will always warn when checked.
- The right checkbox will only warn when printer is printing.
- When checked this will enable the processing of M80 and M81 commands from gcode to power on/off plug. Syntax for gcode command is M80/M81 followed by hostname/ip and index. For example if your plug is and index of 1 your gcode command would be M80 1
- postConnect
- Automatically connect to printer after plug is powered on.
- Will wait for number of seconds configured in Auto Connect Delay setting prior to attempting connection to printer.
- preDisconnect
- Automatically disconnect printer prior to powering off the plug.
- Will wait for number of seconds configured in Auto Disconnect Delay prior to powering off the plug.
- Cmd On
- When checked will run system command configured in System Command On setting after a delay in seconds configured in System Command On Delay.
- Cmd Off
- When checked will run system command configured in System Command Off setting after a delay in seconds configured in System Command Off Delay.
If you experience issues with this plugin or need assistance please use the issue tracker by clicking issues above.
Check out my other plugins here
- Andreas Lindermayr
- @Mearman
- @TxBillbr
- Gerald Dachs
- @TheTuxKeeper
- @tideline3d
- SimplyPrint
- Andrew Beeman
I, jneilliii, programmed this plugin for fun and do my best effort to support those that have issues with it, please return the favor and leave me a tip or become a Patron if you find this plugin helpful and want me to continue future development.
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