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118 lines (109 loc) · 11.8 KB

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118 lines (109 loc) · 11.8 KB

To Do List

Bug Fixes Needed, Unfinished Implementations:

  • figure out why the inBounds path editing involves moves like East then West
  • refactor kmeans to use a custom criteria for incomplete locations so that it is suitable for use with both high and low sweep policies

Machine Learning To-Dos:

  • make basic a reward signal what RL based agents can include as a signal to learn from
  • make a simple learning agent that repeatedly refines a single number corresponding to the "pointless penalty" used by its version of A*
  • make a heuristic guided territory assignment function that repeatedly balances territory assignments based on heuristic estimates of the time required to traverse the remaining unexplored territory. Have this heuristic be a learned function
  • make a neural net architecture that does Q learning. Make the Q learning updates at each time step inform the Q estimates for both future measurements and improve Q estimates for all past measurements according to an achitecture something like a bidirectional recursive neural network
  • create a policy that maintains a PGM data structure of the environment, and uses RL to tune the parameters of the PGM from session to session - make the PGM be a kind of spatial policy that works much like a convolutional neural network, except that it spits out a belief map ("image") of the same size that it took in, where each patch in this belief map represents the probability that the patch requires high scrutiny
  • create an algorithm that can learn a Q function offline by looking at the histories of other agents

Hard Coded Algorithm Improvements:

  • get high sweep first policy working
  • make an A* cost function that is suitable for use with HighSweep policies by raising costs for moving off of the points where (mod x 3 = 0), make the high sweep policy instance use it
  • add an initial step to the kmeans policy where it has all drones traverse the spanning tree of their initial (10 iteration) assigned territory by making just the first path planning call go to a different function from A*
  • add an initial queue of positions to visit for each drone that represents a traversal of the drone's initial territory by spanning tree. Drones should give up this strategy and generate a new queue if the next place to visit is no longer in its territory
  • figure out a spanning tree based algorithm that can handle the case where a drone can cover more than one patch at once (i.e. high altitude)
  • Measure the complexity of the territory assigned to each drone according to the average number of in bounds / in territory neighbors each patch in the territory has. Make a variant of kMeans that scales up the distance calculations according to this complexity, causing drones with more difficult assignments to get less work. Another way to measure complexity could include distance from the drone's acutal location to its mean.
  • make a variant of A* that can connect disconnected islands of territory inside an environment which is connected overall. Use the patches of one "island" as an initial frontier, and estimate costs by taking the min of all costs patches in the "destination" environment

Visualization / Interpretability Improvements:

  • make a drawing function that applies a translucent coloring over a particular set of patch positions, meant to represent the territory assigned to a particular drone
  • augment the scenario animation to keep an up to date representation of drone territories on screen
  • create an alternate Doc ann (as in prettyprinter) generating function for Scenario history that shows where a drone was at the moment it get each command
  • finish drawPosTree in my animation code

Efficiency / Sofware Engineering Improvements:

  • make run-environments serialize and save replays of each scenario for analysis and visualization later
  • get rid of PSQueue in my project in favor of a data structure from stackage snapshot 14.3
  • replace my environment data structure with something like Data.Quadtree
  • benchmark and improve my code's performance so that I can run 500 random trials of env 7 really fast rewrite all list traversing operations in terms of foldr and see if I get performance improvement
  • find out if PSQueue uses last in first out for tie breaking, find another implementation if not
  • find a good configuration format and parses for my use case, make one that holds all info for a scenario
  • research linear algebra libraries (linear, others mentioned on the wiki) and make a neural network functionalty for oprc out of it
  • split the animation specific code from the drawing only code, put the latter into DrawOPRC or similar

New Environment Features

  • consider adding functionality such as needing to track battery level and periodically return for a swap if the environment isn't rich enough


  • modify A* to accept a custom cost function
  • implement a random environment parser that accepts a third kind of character, ?, and assigns it high or low with some probability
  • adapt the online density estimation algorithms from Wenhao Luo to use observation filtering with a Kernel to estimate quality of fit of various environment models, then do planning based on that info
  • move core IO functionality out of samplevals
  • see if I can modify the depth first search algorithm to modify a failed cardinal-directions-only-tree instead of just trying again.

Completed Items:

  • Write a parser for Drone that turns a digit into a Drone (7/1/2019)
  • write a parser for NextActions that expects input like "[(1, Hover), (2, MoveIntercardinal NE)]" (7/1/2019)
  • create manualControl function for interactive control of an environment (7/1/2019)
  • finish updateState function so that everything seems to work properly under manualControl in tests (7/1/2019)
  • make a function "needsCommand" to list which drones will react to input in the next updateState (7/1/2019)
  • augment manualControl by listing which drones are worth commanding at the current time step based on "needsCommand" function (7/1/2019)
  • make a pretty printer for WorldState and its subordinate datatypes (7/2/2019)
  • make function to determine if a WorldState is terminal based on checking observations (7/2/2019)
  • add terminal state checks to manualControl (7/2/2019)
  • parse a text file into a list of lines with their line numbers in the form [(2, "HLL HL")] (7/29/2019)
  • add IO and parser functionality to load in a plain text environment file (7/29/2019)
  • make a function that initializes an EnvironmentInfo from an Environment, marking everything unseen (7/29/2019)
  • make a function that can initialize a worldState from an Environment (7/29/2019)
  • demo exploring a small environment interactively (7/29/2019)
  • swap all my imports so that I am using the strict version of Map (7/30/2019)
  • fix updates so that observations and drones becoming commandable happen at the same time (7/30/2019)
  • create a "Scenario" type that has a worldstate, a policy, and some time tracking information (7/30/2019)
  • add a history to the Scenario type to contain an efficient representation of everything that has happened so far (7/30/2019)
  • modify stepEnsemble to immediately discard commands that would put a drone out of bounds (8/2/2019)
  • make a new function in SampleVals for debugging that runs Scenarios with printing one time step at a time (8/5/2019)
  • figure out why every action is taking one time step too many during a scenario run (8/5/2019)
  • modify stepEnsemble to discard pointless moveVertical commands (8/5/2019)
  • figure out and fix why hover takes an extra time step (possibly because step function initializes stepsremaining to zero for it) (8/6/2019)
  • complete applyValidActions and the Policy instance for RandomFilteredPolicy (8/6/2019)
  • add a test for Hover to randomValidAction (8/6/2019)
  • create a variant of RandomAgent with a move filter, make one that won't command out of bounds / pointless moves (incl hover) (8/6/2019)
  • write A* in GraphOPRC (8/12/2019)
  • get low sweep snake pattern policy working for large environments (8/12/2019)
  • add a function in Scenario that outputs the time for a Scenario to run completely (as a Maybe) (8/12/2019)
  • get the random scenario time sampler working in RandomOPRC (8/13/2019)
  • make a function that randomly generates a footprint based on x and y bounds (8/26/2019)
  • make a function to fill in each patch of the environment with a bernoulli chance of Far / Close (8/26/2019)
  • make a function that will generate a .env file from an environment (8/26/2019)
  • make a function that adds holes to a footprint (8/27/2019)
  • create a function that turns an environment into a (Data.Set) of locations to visit from a high altitude (8/27/2019)
  • make a function to draw a representation of a WorldView to screen (8/29/2019)
  • make a function to draw the current time to screen (8/29/2019)
  • make a function to draw an environment to screen (8/29/2019)
  • make a function that represents a worldState on screen (8/29/2019)
  • make a "Replay" datatype in Scenario that contains all of the info in a scenario at any given time step, and the history from the end of that Scenario, and make a function that steps this foreward one time step (9/3/2019)
  • create functionality to animate the complete replay of a scenario with the worldState and worldView at each time step forming the frames (9/4/2019)
  • implement K means clustering on my environment (9/10/2019)
  • make a variant of k means that directly assigns footprints to drones (9/11/2019)
  • change my KMeansLowPolicy (and DroneTerritoty datatype) to be a map between droneterritory data and the territory itself (9/11/2019)
  • implement an "adaptive K-means" policy that repeatedly re-assigns territory based on performing a limited number of K-means iterations with current drone positions as an initialization (9/11/2019)
  • get animate scenario working with my k means policy (9/12/2019)
  • alter K means to only pay attention to patches that need to be explored when it makes sense to do so (9/12/2019)
  • alter kMeans to reassign random means to those droneTerritories that run out of stuff to do (9/13/2019)
  • find the actual problem with the empty list head / tail issue and fix (9/16/2019)
  • fix AnimateScenario to properly scale and align the drawing in frame
  • experiment with different values of the "pointless penalty" in aStar (9/17/2019)
  • modify my kMeans direction assignment functions to pick what patch to visit in the territory based on what is farthest from all foreign means (9/17/2019)
  • modify my droneStatus drawing function to represent the field of view of the drone at that time (9/19/2019)
  • create a random environment generator that splits into a few different categorical types, then variations of a few continuous parameters within categories - make this modular by composing the sub-generators, so that I can train models to specialize on sub generators (9/20/2019)
  • create functionality to test policies on a random assortment of environments (9/25/2019)
  • create PresistentPolicy subclass to Policy that allows for custom resets between one scenario an the next (9/25/2019)
  • create and environment generator that makes clusters of similar patches (10/1/2019)
  • make a function that can scale down and align a footprint for the lower resolution versions needed for high sweep agent and spanning trees (10/2/2019)
  • make a function that computes spanning trees for variable resolution environments (10/3/2019)
  • make a function that computes spanning forests with all cardinal edges for variable resolution environments (10/4/2019)\
  • make functions that traverse a cardinal spanning forest to create an initial coverage path (does not yet check if elements of the path are really in bounds) (10/7/2019)
  • make a simple agent that solves the scenario with spanning trees for a low flying single agent (10/8/2019)

Bugs Fixed

  • get sampleEnvironment in EnvGen working (9/20/2019)
  • figure out why my environment generator is only generating from the first element of mixedGen (9/20/2019)